
en the other party’s true form, he still remembered that special look.

en the other party’s true form, he still remembered that special look.
/“Is it true or not?”
Zhang Jian’s eyes flickered, and there was something strange in his eyes. He once asked Patriarch King Yu about the origin of Demon Lord Minghuang. However, Patriarch Yu’s reply was that he had never seen Demon Lord , let alone I know that there is such a powerful demon lord in the six demon worlds.
But Zhang Jian clearly saw some of the disasters that the Three Emperors Heaven Realm had experienced before in the Great Disaster.
Demon Lord Minghuang once led hundreds of millions of demon gods to fight against the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan, trying to block the Three Emperors and prevent the Three Emperors’ heaven from taking shape.
How could there be no record of such a terrifying existence?
No one knows where to go.
There must be a mystery in it.
At that time, Patriarch Yu Wang either really didn’t know, or else he had difficulties and could not tell the secret to his mouth.
With the qualifications of the Patriarch of King Yu, he had already attained enlightenment before the Three Emperors Heaven Realm was opened, so he must know some of the secrets!
Zhang Jian is definitely because of the latter.
But if it is an enemy, there must be a big book in the depths of the Three Emperors and Five Elders Association, and they will never miss anything. How can they not remind the powerful human beings in the Three Emperors and Heaven Realm to be careful of this formidable enemy.
However, there is no record behind it, so Zhang Jian already had a guess in his mind.
That’s what the Three Emperors Heavenly Realm used, or the Heavenly Court used methods to make her one of their own!
Many immortal gods who have “abandoned darkness and turned to light” from the six demon worlds will also choose to keep a low profile as much as possible after entering heaven or other heavens to avoid being liquidated by the demon ancestors in the six demon worlds.
Of course, these are Zhang Jian’s guesses.
He is currently unable to determine whether the Divine Emperor Minghuang is the Demon Lord Minghuang from the past.
But I still feel a little more wary.
If the Divine Emperor Minghuang is really the Demon Lord Minghuang, the water hidden in the Jinyuan Heavenly Realm is too deep.
Demon Lord Minghuang is such a powerful being. Among the six demon realms, he is capable of leading an army of hundreds of millions of demon gods to fight against the human race’s Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.
Seven days later, in front of the Minghuang Temple, on the Tianfeng Platform, the Minghuang Divine Emperor wore a luxurious robe intertwined with gold and red and fell from the infinite light. The immeasurable divine light accompanied by countless crisp phoenix chants came from the void. Falling in it, like the dawn of the sun.
/In front of the Tianfeng Tower, there are streaks of golden light rising into the sky, forming ancient golden sycamore trees that break through the sea of ??clouds. There are thousands of trees. There are streams of light a