
e can break through the restrictions of the Lihentian Prison. It is obvious that his cultivation level is extremely high, at least as high as that of Xuantian. Since there is a strong person in the Xuantian realm, there is no need for the heavenly soldiers to cut down the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The most important thing is that he does not seem to know his situation, does not know that he is being imprisoned in Lihen Heaven, and does not know what happened in the Heavenly Palace forty-six years ago.

e can break through the restrictions of the Lihentian Prison. It is obvious that his cultivation level is extremely high, at least as high as that of Xuantian. Since there is a strong person in the Xuantian realm, there is no need for the heavenly soldiers to cut down the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. The most important thing is that he does not seem to know his situation, does not know that he is being imprisoned in Lihen Heaven, and does not know what happened in the Heavenly Palace forty-six years ago.
“God help me, the opportunity to escape from Lihentian today lies with this person.”
After waiting for forty-six years, he originally only wanted to carve out the world under the sword, but unexpectedly, Zhou Jijun was overjoyed, not as much as many others. Thinking about it, the gentleman’s Taoism flowed out, he made seals with his hands, performed the Tianyin Jue, and uttered the ancient sounds.
“Hurry up and cut off the sweet-scented osmanthus tree!”
An ancient voice came out. Zhou Jijun looked forward eagerly, waiting for the sweet-scented osmanthus tree to break and the palace door to open, just like he cut off the sweet-scented osmanthus tree to save Rakshasa forty-six years ago. Like a tree.
A long time passed without any movement.
Zhou Jijun felt a little irritated and uneasy in his heart. At this moment, he heard questions coming from across the restriction.
“Fellow Taoist… Xuandu is really unclear.”
The voice was clear and clear, without the slightest sign of being bewitched. Upon hearing this, Zhou Jijun’s expression froze, and his mood instantly hit rock bottom.
/“How is this possible? I clearly used my mind to serve as the emperor’s will and to assist my ministers in performing the Tianyin Jue. It is exactly the same as what was said on the wall…”
Zhou Jijun paced, frowning, and murmured to himself Yu said, only to hear the man say again.
“What my senior brother said is absolutely true. Even if the mortals in the world call us gods and think that gods are carefree and carefree, gods are also mortals. As long as they fall into love, it is equally difficult to escape. Xuandu has also encountered this. At that time, I thought that we would be together for the rest of our lives, but unexpectedly, it was me who killed her in the end. ”
/“However, the Taoist meaning conveyed in the words just now by my Taoist friend is indeed mysterious, and it is somewhat similar to the Tao Te Ching written by my respected master. Could it be that my Taoist friend is also a member of my Taoism?”
Revered Master… Tao Te Ching…
There was bitterness in the corner of Zhou Jijun’s mouth. No wonder he couldn’t seduce the monk who claimed to be Xuandu. It turned out that he was actually the disciple of the Supreme Being. Although he created the Taoism of a gentleman, how could he be compared with the Taoism of the Supreme Being? With the Tao Te Ching in mind, his cultivation level is not weak, so it is reasonable for Tian Yin Jue to fail.
“Since fellow Taoist is unwilling to show up, Xuandu has no c