
s trip to the capital. If he could find something that proved that Yude was a fake, justice would no longer exist in Dayu. On the one hand, it was of great benefit to both his layout and Baili Xiong’s conquest. Nowadays, the army in Northern Xinjiang is strong and strong, with masters like the clouds, and the morale of the army is strong. If he can achieve the great justice of the world and attack the false Emperor of Virtue as the King of Yizi, he will be worthy of everyone’s expectations. And Zhou Jijun could also kill the fake Emperor of Virtue, and then sacrifice his hard-earned life, so that he was destroyed both physically and mentally, and only then could he avenge himself.

s trip to the capital. If he could find something that proved that Yude was a fake, justice would no longer exist in Dayu. On the one hand, it was of great benefit to both his layout and Baili Xiong’s conquest. Nowadays, the army in Northern Xinjiang is strong and strong, with masters like the clouds, and the morale of the army is strong. If he can achieve the great justice of the world and attack the false Emperor of Virtue as the King of Yizi, he will be worthy of everyone’s expectations. And Zhou Jijun could also kill the fake Emperor of Virtue, and then sacrifice his hard-earned life, so that he was destroyed both physically and mentally, and only then could he avenge himself.
Suddenly, Zhou Jijun’s thoughts fell to somewhere in the corner of the wall, and his heart tightened.
There is a square ultimatum half exposed, with a simple and dark color, covered by ruins and broken walls, making it difficult to detect. But when my thoughts came, they seemed to hit a thick wall and couldn’t penetrate.
“Is that it?”
/Zhou Jijun held his breath and concentrated, walked to the ruins, waved his robe and rolled the square ultimatum into his hand. This jade certificate made of unknown materials is extremely heavy to acquire, at least weighing a thousand kilograms. Even if ordinary people find it, they will find it difficult to pick it up. Under the moonlight, Zhou Jijun carefully looked at the mottled square ultimatum, and saw that it was as hard as gold and iron, with sharp edges and corners, and a small dent in the center, with a strange beast with a wide mouth engraved in it. .
The thought entered again, and a red light flashed from the alien beast’s mouth, blocking the thought out. Zhou Jijun squinted his eyes and saw a faint glow of blood between the ferocious giant teeth of the alien beast, rolling in the gaps between the teeth like a substance, as if it was not yet full.
/“If it is really it, then what does it have to do with Yude’s identity?”
After looking up and down for a while, Zhou Jijun’s eyes returned to the strange beast with its mouth open. The blood stains were bright red and dazzling. Subconsciously, Zhou Jijun put his fingers into the mouth and gently stroked the rows of staggered teeth. There was a burst of pain at the fingertips, but the alien beast stretched out its teeth and bit Zhou Jijun’s finger as if it was alive. Blood beads rolled down. Looking at the big mouth that was dissatisfied with desire, Zhou Jijun was in a daze. However, A moment later, his vision suddenly dimmed, and the steaming blood mist engulfed him. In a blink of an eye, the man in white clothes and silver hair disappeared into the small courtyard of the wine shop.
Light and shadow reappeared, and when Zhou Jijun could see the things in front of him clearly again, he found that he had arrived in a strange closed space. Above the head is a void filled with thick clouds, and stars are faintly twinkling, dragging their long tails through the cracks in the clouds. In front of Zhou Jijun, through the hazy light curtain, ther