
s, I couldn’t touch him when I was caught racing a few times. He said proudly: “You said so yourself.” “

s, I couldn’t touch him when I was caught racing a few times. He said proudly: “You said so yourself.” ”
/Yes! Be careful when towing, don’t scratch my car. It costs more than one million pounds.”
Pattinson walked into the police car and stuck his head out, “Don’t forget it! My number is the car rental agency’s number. Call me when you’re filming the movie! As long as you can appear in the movie, preferably with a few lines, and, I want to show off my racing skills! Hey! I haven’t finished talking yet, let’s drive again later!”
Han Xuan waved his hand and watched the police car go away.
Jason asked: “Really let him make a movie?”
“Well, Dimensions Pictures has approved the project and the script has been completed. It is not difficult to arrange a villain role for him. Don’t you think his appearance is easy to remember?”
“Indeed. “It’s rare to see such a vulgar person.”
He took his luggage and walked to the pier.
A nearly 200-meter-long luxury cruise ship with seven decks was parked next to the pier.
All the lights are on, making it look extremely high-end.
Han Xuan was about to board the ship when non-standard English came from behind him, “Boy, you lost your stuff.”
Turning around, he saw a South Asian who was about 1.9 meters tall, with a thin face and a handsome appearance.
I saw a letter in his hand. It was his, but Han Xuan didn’t dare to accept it!
What could be more terrifying than a letter reporting the other party being picked up by Latin himself?
At least he hasn’t thought of it yet!
The sky turned dark, and he didn’t see Han Xuan’s face clearly. He shook his head and asked, “Isn’t it yours?”
Seeing that he was about to look at the recipient’s address, Han Xuan almost lost his breath and shouted, “It’s mine.” !”
Spotting Latin’s confused eyes, he noticed that he seemed to be a little excited.
Covering up: “Hahaha! Thank you! I almost lost the letter I sent to my uncle.” He was
carrying a wooden box, wearing a suit, and looking like a successful person.
/In fact, he is indeed a successful man now, with a net worth of at least hundreds of millions of dollars.
Han Xuan took the letter and stuffed it into his pocket with a bright smile.
Han Xuan rarely thought about anything recently, probably because he was in a sleepy period.
Just like Pooh and Squirtle need to hibernate, mostly curled up in holes.
Don’t think that only women need those few days of venting. In fact, men also occasionally feel inexplicably irritable for a few days every month.
Italian MSC cruise company has always been famous for its luxury.
This cruise ship called Fantasia started its maiden voyage in January 1992 and cost more than 300 million euros.
The euro has not devalued yet and its purchasing power is quite strong. From this, we can guess the background of msc cruise company.
There are certainly no caves to be found on the Fantasia, but fortunately the deluxe rooms serve the same purpose.
Han Xuan lay motionless on the bed.
I’m too lazy to pack my luggage. I’m exhausted from t