
nutes later, all the gray orcs were captured.

nutes later, all the gray orcs were captured.
At this time, Lin Yun decisively ordered to retreat, ignoring the monster alchemy puppets involved and
captured more than 200 gray orcs at once. Although he was off duty I accidentally killed a dozen of them, and most of them were seriously injured, but it didn’t matter. After I went back and took a bottle of life potion, they were all alive and kicking.
There were more people this time, so Lin Yun took them all into the demiplane. Seeing that today’s battle was over, he turned around and headed to the Glory Fortress in person.
/After handing over two hundred gray orcs to Lord Sean, and bringing a large number of newly produced and stronger alchemy puppets into the demiplane, Lin Yun rushed to the gray orc fortress without stopping.
A large number of alchemy puppets appeared, more than at the beginning, and these alchemy puppets were stronger.
After doing this several times in a row, the gray orcs finally understood that Lin Yun’s side was very strong. The army of alchemy puppets led by hundreds of gray orcs was no match at all. However, Lin Yun surrounded them like this, and every time they would be defeated. Captured by gray orcs.
If they make small fuss like this, they will only be eaten away slowly and continuously.
“We can’t go on like this. Those humans are just trying to capture us. They surround us and cut off our water source. They just want to devour us bit by bit. We must fight back with the minimum cost. We must fight back with all our strength. , Only by repelling these humans can we avoid this crisis!”
In the war hall of the Gray Orc Fortress, a Gray Orc general expressed his opinion loudly.
“There are more and more human alchemy puppets, and they are all elite alchemy puppets. If this continues, the fortress will definitely be breached.”
/“Yes, we must repel them. If the fortress is breached, it will be all over.”
There was a sudden chorus of agreement below, and now everyone could see Lin Yun’s thoughts.
“Okay, open the door, fight back with all your strength, and repel these hateful humans.”
The gray orc leader with a sad face above gave this order.
An hour later, the gate of the gray orc fortress was completely opened, and countless monsters and an army of alchemy puppets poured out like a flood, rushing madly towards the location of Lin Yun’s army.
Behind the army of these monster alchemy puppets, there were thousands of gray orcs controlling half-puppets, and a large number of gray orcs riding alchemy puppet mounts followed at the end.
A total of seven to eight thousand cannon fodder alchemy puppets started running wildly, making the ground tremble.
Lin Yun frowned slightly, and he could see something different at a glance. These gray orcs actually started to fight back with all their strength?
When the battle started, it was completely one-sided. Lin Yunxin added the alchemy puppets who stepped forward, all of which were at least level 30. The torrent of steel formed rushed past. These monster alchemy puppets, which