
?” Su Han looked excited.

?” Su Han looked excited.
“Don’t be too happy too soon. It is now starting the sublight engine and turning on the gravitational shield. Once it flies, it will be difficult to chase it.” Xu Jingyao looked worried.
Liu Gan was also very worried at this time. The farther Chen Haiwang leaves the earth, the power of faith that the mother nest can absorb will decrease exponentially, and the power of the electric mosquito swatter will also be greatly reduced. Once the mother ship starts the sublight engine If it were to escape, it would be difficult for Chen Haiwang to catch up with it. Even if he could catch it, it would be too late to leave the earth and he would no longer be able to wield the electric mosquito swatter.
/“Boom! Boom!” Chen Haiwang took advantage of the fact that the electric mosquito swatter still had energy and continued to wildly slap the hull of the bee mothership.
The tail of the bee mothership is getting brighter and brighter. This is a precursor to the start of the sublight engine. But at this moment, an extremely dazzling blazing white light that makes it impossible to look directly comes from where the bee mothership is. came from the direction.
Chen Haiwang, who was next to the Bee Clan Mothership, couldn’t see clearly what happened. Until the white light dissipated, Chen Haiwang slapped the Bee Clan Mothership on the hull with another electric mosquito swatter. When a big hole appeared in the sky and a large amount of air and flames shot out from it, Liu Qian finally understood. He couldn’t help but feel a burst of ecstasy in his heart. The force field armor of the bee mothership had been destroyed!
Hundreds of thousands of bee fighters and more than a dozen small bee warships flew out from the bee mothership again. Like moths rushing to a flame, they frantically besieged Chen Haiwang, buying time for the mothership whose force field armor had been shattered. , to gain time for the sublight engine to start.
At this time, Chen Haiwang was getting further and further away from the earth. The power of the electric mosquito swatter was not as good as before. He was surrounded by more than a dozen small warships and hundreds of thousands of bee fighter planes. For a while, he couldn’t spare any time to shoot. Attack the bee clan’s mothership.
“Focus on attacking its sub-light engine! The mother ship’s sub-light engine is about to start!” Xu Jingyao shouted to Liu Qian, knowing that his words would be reflected on Chen Haiwang.
Of course Liu Gan knew that if he wanted to prevent the mothership from escaping from the solar system, he had to destroy the sublight engine of the mothership, otherwise it would disappear completely in an interstellar jump. But the problem is that Chen Haiwang, who is too far away from the earth now, simply does not have enough strength to break through the siege of bee fighters and bee small warships, and cannot get closer to the mothership!
Everyone watched helplessly as the mothership launched its sub-light engine and was about to disappear in front of e