
h, I’m so sorry.” Wang Shang could only continue to apologize. The Demon King Gang was used to running amok in Tundra City. As long as nothing serious happened, Wang Shang’s temper did not restrain his brothers very much, but in the end, he accidentally offended the noble guide.

h, I’m so sorry.” Wang Shang could only continue to apologize. The Demon King Gang was used to running amok in Tundra City. As long as nothing serious happened, Wang Shang’s temper did not restrain his brothers very much, but in the end, he accidentally offended the noble guide.
Now that Liu Qian owned Binghu Villa, he no longer cared about the house rented by the master’s family, so he asked Jiang Jinyuan and the others to cancel the rent and gave the house to Wang Shang.
“Why did you buy this house?” Although Liu Qian gave up the house, he also saw something fishy about the matter, so he asked Wang Shang.
“This matter has something to do with that map.” Wang Shang briefly told Liu Qian that the entrance to the secret laboratory could not be opened and the exit was underground at Zhang Laoguan’s house.
“Have you found the entrance and exit of the secret laboratory based on the map?” Liu Qian couldn’t help but be overjoyed. This has saved him a lot of time.
/“Yes, I came here a month ago, and I kept digging and determining the location. I finally found the entrance a few days ago, and then located the exit based on the entrance.” Wang Shang answered Liu Qian affirmatively. .
“Okay, take us to the entrance now. If I think your information is valuable, I will accept you as my disciples.” Liu Qian proposed to Wang Shang.
“No problem. The entrance to the laboratory is at the back of Binghu Villa. Please follow me.” Wang Shang couldn’t help but feel overjoyed when he heard that Liu Qian had agreed to accept them as disciples. It seemed that the cellmate had expected this. Knowing that this map and the secret laboratory can please those who lead the way, I arranged everything in advance.
Liu Qian is now eager to enter the secret laboratory and get the artifact left in the snowy mountains in the ancient times of God’s Domain. Of course, there is a reason. Once the end of Tundra City comes and snow-spotted zombies appear, the strength of his current team will not be enough to deal with those snow-spotted zombies.
Perhaps what can change this dilemma is the artifact hidden deep in the secret laboratory.
/Since it is called a ‘magic cabinet’, it is conceivable that it must contain one or more super powerful magic weapons or high-tech weapons, which should be specially used to restrain snow-spotted zombies.
On the way to Binghu Villa, Liu Gan asked Wang Shang to tell the technical staff such as Jiang Jinyuan, Qianzhou and Zhang Mengdi what he had said before. After their ‘translation’, Liu Gan roughly understood something. In other words, everything that happens in the world of trembling is related to the war between two galactic civilizations.
This reminded him of those armored warriors and their mothership outside the planet. This kind of machine soldiers wearing space armor must be a mechanical legion controlled by a light-brain civilization, right? Those strange dreams, the phenomenon of soul-carrying bodies, the scepter in his hand, magic, brain energy, etc. should be the technology of the divine civil