
continue to maintain their prejudice against the great Eastern countries! During this lunatic’s lifetime, Apple was just a sales point close to the island country. Regardless of new iPad or iPhone products, they were often launched in Flower Shop half a year to a year after they were launched in the United States.

continue to maintain their prejudice against the great Eastern countries! During this lunatic’s lifetime, Apple was just a sales point close to the island country. Regardless of new iPad or iPhone products, they were often launched in Flower Shop half a year to a year after they were launched in the United States.
The only global synchronization of Joe Crazy products was “Steve.” “Jobs Biography”
“The flower growers were among the first people in the world to queue up in front of bookstores to buy this biography.” The American “Wall Street Journal” reported the next day.
He advocates Zen Buddhism and has traveled to the island country many times in his life, but has never been to a flower grower’s house. The only close encounter may be traced back to Shang Hai in 1979:
At that time, an employee of Crazy Qiao came here and brought with him a second-generation Apple product Apple II that was launched two years ago. However, This big country that has just opened its arms to the world knows nothing about it. Disappointed, he left the computer at the Flower Garden Welfare Association Children’s Palace.
There is no information showing that Crazy Joe ever cared about the whereabouts of this computer. At that time, he was ushering in the first golden period of his life and career. Apple II made him a millionaire overnight. Crazy Joe changed his sloppy jeans, became a yuppie who loved to dress up, and even bought a house on the mountain.
/Crazy Qiao did not expect that this beige square box would later help the flower-growing family embark on a journey of learning and catching up with the world’s advanced technology.
On February 16, 1984, the day of the Lantern Festival, the chief designer inspected Shang Hai for the second time and said a far-reaching saying to the children learning to use Apple II, “The popularization of computers must start with children.” A vigorous wave of computer popularization began.
In the years that followed, Apple computers stole the show among flower growers.
“In addition to Apple, computer models such as IBM PC and Taiwan PC9800 were also introduced, but the Apple operating system is better and the whole machine is more stable.” Yu Yongquan, professor and doctoral supervisor at Guangdong University of Technology, told “Flower Plant News” Weekly said. At that time, specialized computer books such as “APPLE II Microcomputer System Structure” written by Yu Yongquan and others, along with Apple computers, became popular items in many domestic universities and research institutes.
The computer boom that swept the country promoted the birth of a large number of computer companies such as Fantasy, Sitong, Xintong, and Kehai, making 1984 the real “first year” of the computer industry. This year, 29-year-old American youth Joe Crazy was featured on the cover of Time magazine.
This is Apple’s background as a flower grower, and this is the gap between Tesla, which has been established for one year, and Apple.
As for the leaders of the two companies,
Crazy Joe is a super consumer