
said slightly seriously: “It just so happens that your brother-in-law is here, tell me what your plan is, and we can help you come up with ideas.”

Zhao Song gave Xiao Yu a chicken wing and said with a sigh: “At the beginning, I just wanted to sell assembled computers. The emergence of Tesla was just to sell computers faster.
Then someone used memory It tricked me, so I handed over the assembly business to the mall.
During that time, it was the most ideal situation. Assembly, goods adjustment, and payment were all settled with the mall. As a result, I made a childish mistake, and the Pacific tricked me. , I will take back the business.
/So, Tesla has become like this.”
Zhao Song said: “Tesla relies on the quality and quality control of first-line brand accessories, so the cost remains high. I just want to find a way to reduce costs. ”
Sister Da Da said: “Your order volume can’t even satisfy one production line. The big manufacturers will definitely not be willing to take your order, so you can only find emerging small factories.”
Zhao Songyao . Shaking his head: “In those small domestic factories, even the placement machines are old goods, and the quality is too poor.”
“You can make it yourself!” Sister Da Da said seriously, “For memory, Pegatron has Zhao People in Jiacun are in the purchasing department and can purchase equipment at Pegatron prices, and people who write information can also find them for you.
Others can’t do it because they don’t have the channels, but Tesla is different. Its brand has already been established. Now, the whole of Zhongguancun can help you retail. When the production volume increases, Jiaming can cover the entire northern market!”
/Brother-in-law suddenly interrupted: “Zhao Song, the number of laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises will reach 6.5 million this year. The proficiency of relevant technical personnel is more than The number of assembly line operators in Wanwan Enterprises is high. If your factory gives priority to hiring laid-off workers, the government will also provide tax incentives.”
Zhao Song looked at them dumbfounded, and then quickly shook his head: “No money! ”
Where’s the money?”
“It’s less than 40 million, but that’s the payment for the land in Pingchang District in a few days.”
Sister Da Da and her brother-in-law looked at him dumbfounded. How is this money used? Is this called having no money?
Zhao Song’s face turned a little red, and he ran to turn on the TV in a panic, “I just don’t have any money. The Tesla advertisement will start soon. Let’s watch the advertisement!”
Total funds: 120.
Today is a day for a few best friends to gather at home. Hao Ying, who was joking, checked the time, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.
“Today was the idea of ??that bastard Zhao Song. Let’s see what he can do?”
Bai Li smiled and said teasingly, “I heard that today was supposed to be the flash mob you participated in?”
“Humph!” Hao Ying glanced at the girl next to Bai Li and said nothing more.
At this time, the