
e and got into the car.

e and got into the car.
“Jingshan Primary School!”
“Yes! President!”
The old driver seemed to have returned to the passionate years and started driving excitedly.
“My brain is no longer smart.”
Zhao Song said leisurely in the car.
“I can’t adapt to Tesla.
I can’t control Zhongkong’s shares.
I want very little, but a wealthy life for my family.”
“Countless people owe me favors, but my requirements are too low. They are having a headache how to repay them. ” ”
It’s okay if you don’t come to see me, then I’ll exchange those favors for revenge!”
Bai Li, who had been in a high position for a long time, finally realized the potential power behind her husband and panicked.
“What are you going to do?”
Zhao Song gritted his teeth, held Bai Li’s delicate hand tightly, and said fiercely: “If the Bai family destroys my descendants, I will cut off their inheritance!”
A certain elementary school.
Fu Fool, as the gang calls him, was blocked in the toilet, huddled in the cubicle and shivering.
outside the compartment.
The eldest son Zhao and the three boys from the Bai family were peeing around a bucket.
After it was over, Zhao Zheng was still not satisfied and asked a few helpers to spread the word.
He wasn’t satisfied until the big cleaning bucket was filled with smelly urine.
The children, regardless of their severity, poured the buckets into the compartment together.
The heart-wrenching sobs suddenly filled the campus
. Something happened.
What else in modern society can stir the heartstrings of adults?
School bullying!
Another time and space.
Zhao Song picks up the elf from school.
“The little fat guy in our class hit me again. It hurt.”
“Did you tell the teacher?”
“I did, and the teacher asked him and said he didn’t mean it.”
“Then don’t hit him on purpose next time.” “But I
can’t hit him.” “Then dad won’t hit him on purpose either
. Beat his father.”
“Zhao Song! Change the house and give the child a better environment.”
“Changing the house and the child being bullied are two different things!”
“What else do you want to
do if you apologize ? ?”
“Zhao Song, I don’t want to argue with you. If the child’s matter is resolved at the adult level, it will not be good for both families!”
“Then it will be difficult for our family?” ”
? ~!”
“Be realistic!” “
/We have many stereotypes about the second generation.
The unbridled publicity in the world has been greatly reversed in reality. Diligence, self-discipline, and politeness in dealing with others. The most important thing is that someone has good genes, looks better than you, and has a smarter brain than you.
Except for the last one, Betty occupied the entire front.
But the most important thing is the last one.
Betty was born with a missing string in her head.
There’s no room for too many things.
When a strong woman is born, she cannot take care of her family. In her opinion, her mother-in-law’s family is very good to the children, and