
1. At that time, he fought against the gods alone. He achieved a suppressive victory.”

1. At that time, he fought against the gods alone. He achieved a suppressive victory.”
“Doctor, the space carrier is the pride of every federal soldier, and it is also the greatest guarantee for the survival of Millikin.” The female officer turned to look at the young man’s profile, her voice was low. Said: “The ultimate weapon equipped on each flying fortress, the explosion yield of a nuclear warhead can theoretically destroy a ‘world’.
Behind the hundreds of ‘space gates’ on the earth, there may be things that humans cannot contend with. A powerful civilization exists, but at the last moment, no intelligent creature can prevent us from perishing with it.”
“Oh, Major, your idea is really extreme and rogue.” The young man remained expressionless for a moment, then suddenly shook his head with a smile. Shaking his head, he looked at Alison and shrugged.
“I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, doctor, but I am a tough hawk soldier.” The female officer smiled back and replied calmly.
While the two were talking, the car had already speeded up to the Mammoth. The powerful mothership scanner automatically recognized the approaching jeep number, and remotely activated the military vehicle’s communication system, “ti098, ti098, please stay within a safe distance of fifty meters. Stop the car, identify yourself, and accept inspection; please accept inspection at fifty meters…”
“Control tower, control tower, I am the driver of ti098. Sergeant Mollett has completed the ‘welcome mission’ and requested to return to the team. “The black sergeant stepped on the brakes, letting the Jeep draw a short and rapid braking line on the sand, picked up the intercom and said loudly.
As soon as he finished speaking, a divergent green beam of light shot out from the top of the steel fortress a hundred meters away, completely surrounding the jeep. A few seconds later, in the interlacing of light and shadow, the communicator in the car once again sounded an emotionless mechanical female voice, “Requesting for permission.” Approved, requesting approval, Sergeant Chad, welcome back to the team, please board the ship through channel A069, please board the ship through channel A069.”
At the same time, a crack in the dark metal shell of the mothership, which was more than 100 meters high, was not long and wide. Five or six meter square hole.
The black sergeant immediately restarted the jeep and drove slowly into the square hole, continuously climbing along a long steel ramp, and stopped on a ‘metal plain’ that was so huge that the edge could not be seen at a glance.
/At Alison’s urging, “We’re here, doctor.” Zhang Lisheng opened the door and jumped out of the car, looking around at the thousands of oval or square giant turrets densely arranged in six or seven areas. ; The flow of people is so large that it can be compared to the most prosperous commercial district of the large oasis city in Noah’s world. The criss-crossing trails are marked with thick red lines; The giant’s burly frame took a deep breath.
“How do you feel, Doctor. “