
ion. With its terrifyingly powerful arms, even famous masters like Qin Qianqiu are no match for it.

ion. With its terrifyingly powerful arms, even famous masters like Qin Qianqiu are no match for it.
Lingqian and the others were soon no longer visible in the fog, and they could only vaguely see the flames in the fog.
Someone whistled, and then there was a sound in the heavy fog. I looked carefully and saw clearly. It turned out that they put the ghost tiger’s body in the net cover and slowly dropped it. The ghost with blood was still there. The tiger carcass remained motionless in the net, and a large amount of blood flowed along the net to the ground. The giant floated gently in front of the ghost tiger. It should have discovered the torn body of the ghost tiger. After a few seconds of silence, the giant roar resounded throughout the forest. The giant’s roar was full of pain, and he punched the ground with his fists. , the sound of “rumbling” is endless.
There was another whistle, and two huge net covers fell from the sky in the heavy fog. Obviously the ghost tiger’s body was just a bait. The big net fell down and was wrapped around the giant. The giant howled like crazy and easily tore the big net above his head into pieces with his arms.
the two big men holding the net were thrown away. The giant’s anger became stronger and stronger. Lingqian drew out her short knife and rushed forward. This girl was extremely fast, and the fog was too thick. I just couldn’t I saw a figure flash past.
“Can you see clearly?”
The fat man patted me and asked.
I shook my head, pursed my lips and said, “Fat man, you stay here to take care of Luo Qiong. I’ll go up and take a closer look.”
“You’re crazy. It’s none of our business if they fight life or death. Hey, don’t go.”
The fat man couldn’t hold me back. At this moment, I started running wildly towards the direction where the flames were concentrated in the fog. Naturally, I also have my own calculations. First of all, this is a rare learning opportunity. Lingqian must be more powerful than Qin Qianqiu. Lingqian alone cannot deal with that giant. Lingqian will definitely take action in the end. I also feel the same in my heart. I am curious to know the methods of this mountain master of the Three Mountains. Secondly, what kind of earth beast is the mysterious giant? This has always been a question in my mind. Why is there magnetism on the body? Why is the walk so silent? Why can we control fog?
After running closer, he saw the battle situation clearly. Ling Yan still didn’t make a move. He was leaning against the big tree next to him in Mao suit, with a calm look on his face. Lingqian, on the other hand, held a short knife and surrounded the mysterious giant with several men holding shotguns.
/The shotgun was of no use against the giant. The bullets bounced away immediately after being hit. Lingqian was not good at hand-to-hand combat. I observed from the side and soon discovered that it was not their attack that was wrong, but the surrounding area of ??the giant’s body. A circle of magnetic stones surrounding it is too troublesome. The