
es on his fingertips, and hummed an unknown tune. Shamoni, on the other hand, was sitting upright on the right. He sometimes looked at Zhou Jijun, sometimes at Yue Luosha, touching his head and smiling innocently. After four years, the three of them reunited in the Northern Xinjiang Army. There was no ecstasy of reunion. The years had gone up and down, and they were no longer young. However, their friendship had settled down, like the light and sweet fragrance of tea.

es on his fingertips, and hummed an unknown tune. Shamoni, on the other hand, was sitting upright on the right. He sometimes looked at Zhou Jijun, sometimes at Yue Luosha, touching his head and smiling innocently. After four years, the three of them reunited in the Northern Xinjiang Army. There was no ecstasy of reunion. The years had gone up and down, and they were no longer young. However, their friendship had settled down, like the light and sweet fragrance of tea.
/“Then you are going to be idle first?” Yue Luosha turned to look at Qi Ling’er who was squatting on the ground playing with a flaming whip, and said with a smile, “Even if you want to be idle, I’m afraid you, a good disciple, won’t let you Take some time off.”
After saying that, Qi Ling’er pouted her little mouth and gouged out Yue Luosha, then jumped behind Zhou Jijun and wrapped her arms around his neck, as familiar as four years ago.
“Master, don’t listen to his nonsense, Ling’er is a good boy. Hehe, Ling’er is almost at the peak of the realm and can kill people for Master.”
The delicate words reached Zhou Jijun’s ears, but deep in his heart A faint haze arose and dissipated in an instant. Four years ago, Yueluosha and Shamoni protected Luo Qingyou and his daughter to an overseas island country to look for Zhou Jiu. They were chased and intercepted by Dayu masters and fought their way out, but Qi Linger was also involved in the killing. During the days of wandering in overseas island countries, Qi Linger’s hands were stained with blood. Although the smell of blood was hidden under the innocent and lovely face of a child, it made Zhou Jijun feel uncomfortable.
/The scene of the bloody sea of ??corpses echoed in my mind again. In the fierce battlefield, the girl in red stepped on the skeletons and the boundless sea of ??corpses to dominate the battle, but she didn’t know whether she was killing for Zhou Jijun or killing Zhou Jijun.
Qi Linger’s cute laughter came to his ears. Zhou Jijun rubbed his eyebrows and held Qi Linger on his lap.
“How can you be free?” Zhou Jijun looked down at the smiling girl holding his thigh, and said calmly, “Ling’er is almost at the peak of his realm, but we are still trapped in this realm, aren’t you anxious?
“We don’t have much time left.” Hearing
this, Yue Luosha and Shamoni were startled at the same time, subconsciously avoiding Zhou Jijun’s aggressive gaze.
There are still five years left. Within five years, if the three of them do not break through to the realm of heaven, there is no other possibility except death and turning into a handful of loess.
“It’s difficult. Master, I really regret taking Xiao Qianqian’s bad medicine Qian Ningchen.” Under the bamboo hat, Yue Rakshasa’s expression was gloomy and uncertain, and the bamboo leaf in his hand shattered into powder.
“Just give up like that?” Zhou Jijun chuckled and looked at Shamoni who lowered his head and said nothing, “Mani, there is someone waiting for you at Longgui Mountain.”
“Hahaha” Yue Rakshasa suddenly laughed, he Pointing at Zhou