

This difficulty is not that the physical Yang God cannot withstand it, the physical Yang God is still like a rock, indestructible.
But Zhang Jiandao gradually felt a trace of boredom deep in his heart.
/This resonance of the laws of heaven and earth is a huge interference to him.
However, to re-adjust the magical structure of the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram from these interferences and completely integrate the imprint of the Sheji Emperor, a huge amount of determination is required.
He just suppressed the idea of ??using the awe-inspiring fire, and in the galaxy-like spells on the side of his Yang God, one of the heart-like spells was naturally triggered.
The fall of the “Tai Shang Wang Qing Dharma” made his Taoist heart resemble the eternal Tao of Heaven, gradually resisting the backlash of those layers of heaven and earth laws.
In just a dozen breaths, a magnificent atmosphere suddenly emerged around him, like mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon, the universe, heaven and earth, and all living beings in the universe flowing in the void. In an instant, it turned into a magnificent Tao map, and then draped over Zhang Jianyang God, gradually becoming more and more connected with him. The Yang and God merged, and he transformed into an emperor of Sheji with a strong imperial aura circulating around him.
Just like the ancient emperor moving from illusion to reality, all the laws of heaven and earth tremble slightly as the mark of the Emperor of Sheji is completely integrated into the depths of Zhang Jianyang God.
With the complete integration of the Sheji Emperor’s brand, Zhang Jian finally felt that the invisible barrier between himself and the laws of heaven and earth disappeared.
It is no longer necessary to control the power of heaven and earth through the Mountains and Rivers Society Map as a third party, but to truly perceive the connection between oneself and the laws of heaven and earth, as if commanded by an arm.
Although it was only a preliminary application, Zhang Jian couldn’t help but feel a little bit of joy deep in his Taoist heart.
This is transformation from the mundane to the sacred!
But this wave of chaos quickly turned into calm. Zhang Jian looked into the void, integrated the mark of the Emperor of Sheji, and obtained the authority of the Emperor of Sheji. This was only the first step. The other step was to completely cancel the death certificate and obtain immortality.
He soon sensed that the time had come.
After integrating into the mark of the Emperor of Sheji, Zhang Jian clearly felt that his Yang God was dyed with a special layer of luster of law, and the inner core was filled with strong mysteries of heaven and earth. His mana began to grow, which also meant that his longevity began to grow.
Shouyuan’s breakthrough immediately triggered a tremor in the laws of life and death.
Boom! !
Countless black and white mysterious lights suddenly circulated in the depths of the sky, and a magnificent roulette wheel suddenly projected from the law o