
is only a few. Just a command.

is only a few. Just a command.
After easily reorganizing the Wu Li Expeditionary Force and resting for half a month, Zhang Lisheng saw that the time was ripe and boldly raised his troops to cross the border and began to continue the battle of conquest in the waters of Scorpion Island.
With the ‘Giant Scorpion’ six thousand miles from end to end as a stepping stone, the campaign against the surrounding islands went extremely smoothly.
/The astonishing fighting power displayed by the 900,000 elite troops under the protection of Zhang Lisheng’s divine power is simply beyond the imagination and resistance of the ordinary Hell Tribe. Except for two, the area exceeds 40,000 square kilometers. Outside of the islands ruled by the two tribes named Seruasi and Qiyana, none of the islands where the foreign tribes were divided could delay the progress of Wu Li’s army.
But even if the battle goes smoothly, there are still more than sixty people to conquer. The archipelago with a total area of ??more than 1.2 million square kilometers is by no means an easy task. The time spent on the march alone would be calculated in months.
It ended up taking more than half a year. After losing 420,000 brave believers in wars and shipwrecks, the young man finally got his wish and conquered all the islands within a thousand miles of Scorpion Island. At this point, a quarter of the islands in the Hell Sea have fallen into his hands, and at the same time, his cultivation of the ‘Witch’ Dao Death Sect has finally broken through to the realm of Shiyi Wu.
The deaths of tens of thousands of natives from the ‘other world’ and the wailing of hundreds of millions of conquered Hellmen finally pushed Zhang Lisheng to the final level of becoming a ‘great witch’. Looking back on the past, his heart stopped beating completely, and his skin was so shriveled that it had no elasticity at all. , the young man who even lost his breath couldn’t help but lament the difficulty of his spiritual path.
Breaking through the Shi Yi witch turned out to be several times the ‘negative emotions’ required to achieve the 1 Wu to Shi witch, if it hadn’t happened to be in the hell sea area of ??the ‘Ocean Shrimp No. 2 world’ where the government and religion merged into one. Road, even if I launch a world war on Earth, I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet the needs.
/In ancient times, there were not 100 million people in the entire world. No matter how war-hungry the ‘Great Witches’ were at that time, they could not collect as many negative emotions as I did. How did they break through? Could it be that they just relied on their own cultivation…”
Said to himself While muttering to himself, the young man suddenly thought of the ancient witch clan and his very different blood relationship with the ancient gods. He suddenly realized and smiled dumbly, “They are the relatives of the ancestors Nuwa and Fuxi several generations apart. How can I compare them? I’m just thinking about these things.” What’s the use? It’s better to quickly decide whether to reincarnate as ‘W