
now, and this time it’s not a ‘magic horror drama’ but a ‘ The youth campus drama is pretty good. “Although Zhang Lisheng is not used to being in such limelight, he also knows that it is best not to spoil the fun at this time, and said with a smile.

now, and this time it’s not a ‘magic horror drama’ but a ‘ The youth campus drama is pretty good. “Although Zhang Lisheng is not used to being in such limelight, he also knows that it is best not to spoil the fun at this time, and said with a smile.
“Really?” Tina suddenly slowed down, kissed the young man’s mouth with one side of her body, and said affectionately: ” As long as you like it, I love you baby. ”
Me too, Tina, but we are in a busy section of downtown Boston. There should be a lot of police patrols here. I really don’t want to have to kill them all because you are accused of dangerous driving.” “Zhang Lisheng felt something sweet in his mouth and said in shock.
At this time, the RV just drove past Boston’s famous giant performance stage surrounded by lawns and linear riverside parks.
Several powerful student bands were standing on each side of the stage. , enthusiastically showing off her musical talents to the cheering audience.
After teasing her close friends, Shelia looked past the band and saw a middle-aged man wearing a round hat with half-long hair on the background of the performance stage. The man, surrounded by a huge bulldog and a heavy hard-cover book with a football spread out, suddenly sighed and said: “Our mascot looks exactly like this year’s football team. Lame.
Li Sheng, if Professor Stephen hadn’t kidnapped you to Stanford, you would have come to Harvard because of Tina. In that case, the boy from Yale would look good.
“What does my coming to Harvard have to do with Yale? ” “Zhang Lisheng said casually, his eyes inadvertently turned to the huge background cloth on the stage, and his heart suddenly trembled slightly for no reason. At this time, he heard Shelia explain in his ears: “What we Harvard people hate most is that we like A pretentious Yale student.
If you enroll at Harvard, in addition to polo, football, basketball, rowing, track and field, boxing, rugby… in short, all sports that can rely on physical strength to win, Yale people can only cry sadly…” “What does
/it mean? ‘All sports that rely on strong physique to win’, Shelia, I have a Ph.D. in biology from Stanford. When you say it, I feel like a simple-minded guy with well-developed limbs. “As the car was being built, Zhang Lisheng’s eyes were still fixed on the background of the performance stage, and he said casually: “Besides, I don’t have time to play those boring competitive sports games. ”
“What are you looking at, Li Sheng?”Seeing that the young man was looking directly at Tracy when he was talking to Shelia, Tracy’s face turned a little red, she unnaturally brushed her burgundy hair, and asked hesitantly.
“I’m looking at the background of the performance stage by the river. The man in the round hat, the bulldog, the thick book, and the football painted on it don’t look like random paintings. There should be some meaning.” The young man’s gaze The girl paused on the picture with a book and a rugby ball on it, and said in a low voice.
/“Of course it was not drawn casually. The man in the round ha