
bloodstain on his shoulder. Although it was healing quickly, it was indeed a bloodstain.

bloodstain on his shoulder. Although it was healing quickly, it was indeed a bloodstain.
If he hadn’t broken through the golden body before and stacked two defenses, I’m afraid that just one blow would have been enough to seriously injure him.
/Seeing that his attack only caused such a small bloody mouth.
Bai Ling’s eyes flashed with surprise.
And the kind of power just now…the breath and nature of it…seem.
“What is your relationship with Taoist Yuandu?” Bai Ling suddenly asked coldly.
“Have you met my senior sister!?” Wei He’s expression changed slightly. “Who are you…?”
“Are you from the same sect?” Bai Ling’s eyes became colder and sharper, “My name is Bai Ling.”
Demon King Bai Ling?!
The name flashed through Wei He’s mind instantly. A few days ago, he was looking for Bai Ling’s information, but he didn’t expect that the other party would actually be in front of him now.
“Are you the Demon King of Luling!?”
Before Wei He could say anything, a large white wind and snow suddenly rolled up in front of his eyes.
No! That’s not wind and snow, it’s snowflakes made of countless demonic powers condensed into entities.
Bai Ling held the halberd in both hands, and the entire halberd slowly ignited with invisible and transparent flames.
He slowly raised the halberd with both arms, then suddenly lowered it.
“Hundred Images Chaotic Divine Strike.”
Next to Wei He, countless white antelope figures appeared densely in an instant.
The bodies of all the white antelopes were translucent and somewhat overlapping. They all held halberds in their hands and slashed down towards Wei He in the air.
There are countless overlapping halberds. At a glance, there are not only more than a hundred, but more.
Countless battles were played from top to bottom, creating layered and mysterious trajectories.
This kind of trajectory actually made Wei He feel unavoidable.
This familiar feeling immediately reminded him of the powerful kills of some warriors from the January period.
At this time, the Bailing felt quite similar to the killing blows of those warriors.
But it was too late to think about these chores at this time.
The huge impact was like a wave, hitting Wei Ge’s blocking arms crazily.
The black python turned into black threads and wrapped around his body, enhancing his defense and strength.
He kept raising his arms, trying to block the move with speed.
But each halberd had an impact of three million kilograms and was faster than him.
/In just a moment, Wei He’s defense completely collapsed.
There was a loud bang.
The huge pit collapsed again and expanded outward. The range instantly doubles in size.
The entire ground shook with giant thunder.
The persistence and terror of this attack can be felt in every corner of Lingyun City.
“It’s so powerful… It’s worthy of being the Demon King Bailing…”
Inside the First Spiritual Arts Tower.
Lin Yuanxiu looked at this scene with a shocked expression.
The two warring parties almost ignored the heavy pressure of the s