
lved with just a large-scale attack.

lved with just a large-scale attack.
This is also where the disciples of the Ten Fantasy Styles are helpless.
They focused all their strength on hallucinations, but in terms of actual damage to combat effectiveness, they made no achievements at all.
Han Jueliu’s disciple grabbed him fiercely. Xu Qin lamented in his heart and had to close his eyes and wait for the last moment to arrive. A
of cold wind blew. After waiting for a long time, Xu Qin did not feel the expected pain, but a gust of cool wind blew gently across his forehead.
It would be nice if Junior Brother Xuhong was here. When the last thought came to mind, Xu Qin opened his eyes in confusion.
Han Jueliu’s disciples didn’t know when they suddenly stood frozen on the spot.
A trace of white mist surrounded them, but they knew nothing about it. Instead, they tried their best to fight against the others of their own sect.
Han Jueliu’s senior sister was being besieged by three disciples of her own sect.
/She dealt with it attentively and would give instructions from time to time. Three disciples besieged her alone, but they were unable to catch her and could not defeat her at all.
Bang bang bang.
With three consecutive sounds, the three of them had their heads smashed by her and disappeared into streams of light.
“You dare to provoke me, Han Jueliu, you really don’t want to live or die!” Senior Sister Han Jueliu said coldly.
She opened her mouth to say something.
Suddenly, her expression changed drastically, and she slapped her chest hard. A mouthful of blood spurted out.
“Who!? How dare you attack me?”
/She thrust two fingers into her eyes and stirred them hard.
After swallowing hard, blood suddenly started to flow from all the orifices, and the whole body trembled.
“Such strong finger strength.”
Her eyes were blank, her pupils were dilated, and she looked up and fell to the ground.
The other disciples of Han Jueliu, who had killed each other earlier than her, were beaten to death one by one and disappeared into streams of light.
Xu Qin and other disciples of the Ten Fantasy Styles were excited at first, knowing that the masters of the Ten Fantasy Styles had arrived.
But when they saw Senior Sister Han Jueliu mutilating her eyes and still unable to wake up, everyone began to feel chilled.
They are all the eldest ladies of Jugenryu and rich children. I have never seen such a cruel scene before.
All of a sudden everyone was stunned.
Is this really the result of the power caused by the Ten Illusion Currents technique? ?
Is the highest mind-taking divine art so powerful? ? !
Xu Qin kept asking herself questions in her mind. She knew very well that the Ten Illusion Styles were indeed focused on creating illusions, but even the strongest Third Senior Sister in the sect could not do this.
“Get up first!” Xu Qin reluctantly supported her body, led the other sisters to stand upright, and looked at a figure slowly walking in the white mist from a distance.
“Senior Sister Xu.” Xu Hong’s voice drifted o