
The entire passage is about ten meters wide and more than ten meters high. The cave wall is full of pits and depressions in many places, like a very shallow cave.

The entire passage is about ten meters wide and more than ten meters high. The cave wall is full of pits and depressions in many places, like a very shallow cave.
/He looked around, using the light of the torch, and quickly found a recessed hole in the wall.
“Come here.”
The two of them picked up all the firewood they could collect around them and piled them into the hole in the wall. Then, using the angle of the depression to shelter from the wind, they used flint to light some dry firewood leaves.
The fire soon lit up in the hole in the wall.
The orange-yellow halo swayed slightly, and along with bursts of thick smoke, it quickly spread in the passage and floated to both sides.
Lin Xin stood at the entrance of the hole with a sword in hand, focusing on the situation.
“This kind of smoke will definitely attract nearby creatures. I’ll keep watch for a while.”
“Then I’ll make some hot water and food.” Xiao Lingling said quickly.
Lin Xin responded and was about to continue speaking when he suddenly fell silent and looked carefully towards the front of the passage.
I saw a black-haired horseman holding a scythe, slowly walking towards this direction step by step, making a hissing and sniffling sound as he walked, as if following the smell of fireworks.
Lin Xin coldly faced him with his sword.
“It’s time to test the strength of this blood beast.”
He drew out an ordinary long sword. Before the blood beast could react, he took a few steps and struck out with a big pine needle with shaking hands.
Chi chi chi six o’clock white light floated towards the centaur. Before it could react in time, it fell hard on its arms holding the scythe.
As soon as the Songyang needle was touched, Lin Xin felt that the blade of the sword was slightly obstructed, as if it was piercing into thick leather glue.
Didn’t penetrate very deep. Then I heard a roar from the centaur.
It exerted its strength with both arms, and the sickle swept over fiercely, slashing towards Lin Xin’s neck.
The huge black scythe turned into a black shadow and smashed over, like a black python, bringing up gusts of evil wind.
“Yuanyang Yiqi!” Lin Xin did not flinch, and used the strongest sword move of Wuyan Sword Technique. His sword surrounded a large amount of scorching air and faced him fiercely.
The sword blade and the sickle collided head-on.
The hot air rushed toward the centaur at the moment of the collision, causing it to roar in pain. The black hair all over its body was scorched, curled up and stuck to its body, and its arms holding the scythe were also burned. It blistered and hit the previous wound.
Its arm hurt, and it made a sickle sound and fell to the ground.
The huge force also made Lin Xin take more than ten steps back before slowly standing still and releasing the huge force.
There was a flash of rosy color in his face.
“Such strength.”
At this time, the horseman’s arms were covered with hot and raised blisters. It turned around and wanted to escape. Just after taking a few steps,