
onfigurations. This is the memory method Kasuo told him, whether he understands it or not. , all are recorded in the brain first. When the corresponding data is encountered, the cerebral cortex will feedback it immediately. Repeated several times, the impression of the data will be deepened. When needed, a conditioned reflex will be formed.

onfigurations. This is the memory method Kasuo told him, whether he understands it or not. , all are recorded in the brain first. When the corresponding data is encountered, the cerebral cortex will feedback it immediately. Repeated several times, the impression of the data will be deepened. When needed, a conditioned reflex will be formed.
Although this method Effective, but the work intensity is very high. You must know that although there are generally only two schools of mechas, the general categories of mechas are like stars. If you want to remember the configurations and weaknesses of all mechas, it is definitely a Huge project.
What is certain is that without the help of Xiaoqiangguang Brain, Liu Fei would not even have to think about it.
The power of Xiaoqiangguang Brain in this aspect impressed even Liu Fei. Through data optimization, Xiaoqiangguang Brain divided mechas into two categories, one is ground mechas and the other is space mechas. Then, within these two categories, they are further divided into melee mechas, long-range mechas, comprehensive mechas, and some very professional mechas that will be counted by the small light brain.
After the statistics were compiled, Xiaoqiangguang Brain divided the various mecha styles.
After passing the statistics of Xiaoqiang Light Brain, Liu Fei was able to form the characteristics of the mecha into modules, the most important of which are the engine and the light brain, followed by the weapons and defense configuration, because these are essential things for any mecha. .
In fact, the vast memory project is not as difficult as imagined. Today’s mechas are all series products. For example, King Kong 06 is the junior version of the King Kong series. In fact, King Kong 06 has been upgraded to the King Kong 30 level. This kind of mecha upgrade Mainly upgrading the optical brain, occasionally adjusting the external structure, the changes are very subtle.
A mecha is a long process from research and development to production. It is the crystallization of countless expert teams. Basically everything that modifiers can think of will be thought of by them. The slightest deletion will affect the overall performance of the mecha. After it is produced, , there are actually very few places that can be modified. Even if modification increases the mechanical performance of one place, it will sacrifice the mechanical performance of another place.
/Theoretically speaking, if Liu Fei wants to understand the data of mechas, he does not need to know the data of each mecha. He needs to understand the most popular and top mechas now and study their advantages and disadvantages, because, a mecha No matter how perfect a mecha is, it cannot be perfect. In addition to some unsolved scientific and technological problems, mass-produced mechas also have to consider economic costs. For example, it is impossible to cover the entire body of a mecha with a layer of high-quality alloy. The high cost will only keep the mecha in the laboratory forever, unable to become a finished produ