
alk about this together when everyone is here.” Lin Xin smiled.

alk about this together when everyone is here.” Lin Xin smiled.
/Soon, another red shadow flashed towards the entrance of the hall.
A handsome young man appeared, wearing a red robe and holding a white paper fan in his hand.
“Dad!” The visitor stepped forward and bowed to Lin Xin.
“Zhen’er.” Lin Xin nodded with satisfaction. “Take a seat first. I will test your cultivation later. Don’t let me down.”
Lin Zhen nodded calmly. He was calmer than he was a few years ago. It was obvious that he had gone through a lot of experience in the past few years.
Then soon, Lin Luo and Lin Dang arrived.
This guy was still dressed in black, with a sinister face and a deep and dark aura.
Lin Duan was dressed in pure white, with a beautiful and peaceful appearance. She was unable to practice because of a strange poison in her body. However, she inherited Gongsun Lili’s medical skills and even developed her own poison skills. She was the most special existence in the villa.
“Teacher, you are finally back!”
Lin Luo said with a low expression. Although he was a cold-faced person and could not see any joy, anger or sorrow, Lin Xin could still see a trace of irrepressible joy in his eyes.
Lin Dang looked at Lin Xin’s face with a smile.
“It seems that the teacher has completely solved the Soul Leaving Syndrome. This is the Qixin Ten Thousand Moon Pill refined by the disciple, which can alleviate the physical deterioration of the Soul Leaving Syndrome. Although it is not used, it may have some effect in recuperating.”
She He handed over the elixir bottle with an indifferent expression.
Lin Xin took it, opened it and smelled it, and immediately felt a chill in his body. The medicinal properties actually had some effect on his body.
Lin Duan looked calm and collected, but this elixir took an unknown amount of effort to refine.
She has always been like this, no matter how much she pays behind her back, she always looks indifferent.
/Feeling a little moved, Lin Xin put away the medicine bottle.
“Good boy, sit down first.”
He nodded and asked Lin Luo and Lin Ding to sit on his right side.
One after another, some old people from the villa also arrived.
But Lin Xin has never seen the person he values ????the most.
Even the grandson was led in by his female relatives, and when everyone was almost there.
He then looked around and frowned.
“Where is Qing’er?”
As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly dropped.
Lin Xinyuan looked sad.
Lin Luo, Lin Zhen and others all looked gloomy. The atmosphere that was full of joy just now suddenly fell silent.
Even the children were frightened by the atmosphere among the adults and did not dare to speak out.
Lin Xin looked over one by one. Lin Luo avoided his gaze, lowered his head and said nothing.
Lin Zhen also lowered his head and clenched the hilt of his sword with his fist.
Lin Duan sighed, looking gloomy.
There were several other worshipers, all of whom had heavy expressions on their faces and didn’t know how to answ