

This old couple has been busy traveling around the world throughout 1994 and has visited Europe. This year they are going to Asia and will only stay in the Maldives for two months to relieve their fatigue.
On the plank road leading to the sea, a tourist was fishing. After a lot of effort, he pulled up a ball of water plants. With a helpless expression on his face, he hung up the fake bait and sat on a chair, waiting for the greedy fish to take the bait.
Han Xuan looked into his bucket. It was empty and filled with sea water.
Seeing his actions, the British tourist laughed at himself: “There is no shortage of fish in the Maldives sea. I have been fishing here for more than two hours. How bad do you have to be to be as unlucky as me.”
Han Xuan thought to himself that he was indeed unlucky. Yesterday When I was lying on the air bed and basking in the sun, fish would jump onto the bed.
He said comfortingly: “It doesn’t matter. It’s easier to fish in the sea after dark. If you use fluorescent bait, you will definitely catch fish.” ”
Well, I’ve never fished before. I’ll try it tonight.” The Englishman replied.
Guo Muzhou stood on the bow of the black yacht, wearing a straw hat on his head, holding a bonito more than 70 centimeters long in his hand, shouting: “Han Xuan! Look here! I caught it!”
Then he replaced the bonito with two large lobsters of thirty to forty centimeters, holding one in each hand, laughing proudly.
Boris stood next to him smoking a cigar. His skin was reddened by today’s strong sun. He waved to Han Xuan, said something to the sailors on the yacht, and walked down the stairs.
Just by looking at the two old men, with their unshaven beards and fishy smell, one would have guessed that they were both billionaires.
The Maldivian fishermen on other small fishing boats smiled bitterly. These days, poor people want to be rich, but rich people like to do hard work like fishing.
After going around in a big circle, it turned out that the wish came true from the beginning, so why do you need to make money? He was originally a fisherman.
/Han Xuan came to the yacht and looked at the two large baskets of seafood that the sailors had brought off the ship.
The largest number is bonito, with live sea cucumbers and lobsters mixed in, and there are also several groupers in the basket.
He grabbed a moving dark yellow sea cucumber and said with a smile: “You caught a lot today. How about grilling grouper over a bonfire in the evening? Let the chef cook the lobster. If you grill it over fire, the meat of the lobster will become old. Last time it was so bad Unappetizing.”
“Okay! The chef on my ship made lobster, and it tastes great!”
Old Boris handed the unfinished cigar to a sailor and asked him to help him throw it away.
Grandpa disembarked from the boat holding a hawksbill turtle, which was about half a meter long. The hawksbill turtle can grow up to about 1.6 meters long. It was a small turtle”It was entangled in our fishing net, and its front fins were slightly injured. It will be