
by a “crash” and turned into a pile of scattered parts.

by a “crash” and turned into a pile of scattered parts.
“Merlin” , be careful.” Originally, Suas just saw Lin Yun breaking into the range of the thunderstorm, and wanted to warn him to avoid accidental injuries from the thunderstorm.
Unexpectedly, he just blinked and suddenly saw such a scene
. So, after saying “be careful”, Suas could no longer say anything.
Be careful about what
? Be careful about a bunch of parts?
“It’s slow this time.” Saruman next to him curled his lips and thought, is this also called a titled magician? Why does he look like he has never seen the world?
From Saruman’s point of view, this is not difficult.
Last time in the secondary plane of the Tower of Ashes, didn’t the young archmage do the same thing? He did it casually. After casting two spells for cover, Merlin went up and dismantled the two alchemy puppets into two piles of parts. Why, is this very difficult?
To be honest, it’s really no wonder that Saruman
is a layman who knows nothing about alchemy. He doesn’t know how complicated an alchemy puppet is, and he doesn’t know what kind of technology this instant disassembly means. In Saruman It seems that this is a matter of course. Aren’t alchemy puppets the product of alchemy? They have been attached to an alchemist. If they are not dismantled, are they still waiting to lay eggs?
In fact, after returning from Strange Rock City last time, Saruman complained to Thorpe several times, saying that the alchemy puppet was too unreliable and could only wait to be dismantled once an alchemist got close to it. , The territories in the Sage Tower cannot be garrisoned with too many alchemy puppets. After hearing these words, Thorpe’s eyes changed when he looked at Saruman.
There is no way, Saruman is such a layman who knows nothing about alchemy.
But Suas is an expert
, and he is an expert among experts. In the entire Kingdom of Andalusia, there is no one who is more expert than him.
Saruman didn’t know how complicated an alchemy puppet was, but Suas knew. Saruman didn’t know what this instant disassembly technique meant. Suas also knew
the expression on Suas’s face now, and he almost saw it. Like a ghost.
“Sorcerer Saruman, you, you, you, do you see?” Suas was a little stupid. He stood there with a dull expression. He didn’t even bother to guide Thunder Cloud Storm, but just rubbed it desperately Eyes
, I must be dazzled, I must be dazzled.
Suas tried his best to comfort himself
. However, Lin Yun refused to even give him this chance to comfort himself. Just when Suas was rubbing his eyes, he was Lin Yun, who was in the acceleration state, once again ran out like a ghost. With the help of Saruman’s few painless spells, he once again got close to the second alchemy puppet.
Following the same pattern, he only saw his hands moving slightly twice, and the alchemy puppet froze suddenly, followed by a “crash” and scattered into a pile of parts.
/There was no suspense about the last one left. This time, Lin Yun didn’t even wait for Saruman’s spell cover. He dire