
s, a second Nolan will inevitably appear in Mercury Tower.

s, a second Nolan will inevitably appear in Mercury Tower.
At the same time, Caron is also the only disciple of Nolan who can convince Suas. Except for Caron, almost all other brothers are not taken seriously by Suas, even if he is also a titled magician and In Suas’s opinion, Grant, a top master, is just because he has been introduced for longer than himself. Give yourself some time, and sooner or later you will catch up with him and leave him far behind.
/However, among the several brothers, the one that Suas despises the most is Fran.
That is really looking down on
Fran. He started before Suas, but for so many years, he has remained at the level of an ordinary master. In terms of magic, he is a pitiful fifth-level magician. Even if Fran has mastered the most powerful magical rune in the Mercury Tower, the Hand of Time, he is still vulnerable to Suas.
Moreover, Suas looked down upon Fran’s personality, greed, selfishness, and narrow-mindedness. It was precisely because of this sad character that Fran remained in the same place for more than ten years. Whether it was magic or alchemy, he always stayed at the same level. A pathetic level.
In daily interactions, Suas would never hide his dislike for Fran, scolding him at every turn, but Fran still did this. Normally, he and Caron would not be so polite, but when facing Suas, he would A mouse is like a cat. It will avoid meeting Suas on all occasions if possible. If he sees him from two to three hundred meters away, he will immediately turn around and leave. He is afraid that the junior brother will make him unable to come down to
see Suas with just a few words. When I read this letter, my first reaction was that Fran had caused trouble somewhere and he had to ask the teacher to clean up his mess.
However, after reading further down, Suas’s face became slightly better.
“Teacher, what do you mean?” After reading the entire long letter, Suas put away the magic paper and respectfully asked Nolan for instructions.
“There shouldn’t be much of a problem with Fran’s discovery this time. There may indeed be Vaughn’s alchemy laboratory in the Four Seasons Canyon. In this case, Fran may not be able to support it alone. After all, it is the alchemy laboratory left by Vaughn, and the various alchemical formations inside are beyond Fran’s ability.” Nolan paused for a moment after saying this: “So I want you to go over and give Les that The joint exploration team will provide some help. As for the final harvest, just distribute it as agreed before. However, if you really find clues to the set of psychic magic tools, you can discuss it with Les and the others. “Ta is willing to exchange in other ways.”
“Okay, teacher, I’ll do it right away.” Suas said and went. After leaving Nolan’s study, he rushed to
Suas in the direction of Four Seasons Canyon with a flying spell. After leaving, Nolan lowered his head and continued the previous calculation.
The entire calculation took Nolan almost an hour. It was not until the sky gradually darkened that Nolan looked up fr