
d on their fingers, but after counting for a long time, they couldn’t figure out anything.

d on their fingers, but after counting for a long time, they couldn’t figure out anything.
/“Gods and demons, ten thousand bags of food. By the time I die, I won’t be able to eat so much food. Who is the leader?” How did you get it?”
Goblin Wan climbed to a high point and looked at the frightened tribesmen below with some pride.
Ten thousand bags of food. This much food is enough to keep our tribe full every time it eats for several years. Next year there will definitely be many tribesmen born in our tribe. At least we don’t have to worry about the newly born tribesmen. starving.
That terrible dragon master actually gave me so much food. He definitely didn’t do it to eat us, nor did he send us to die in the mines. For that master, this much food should be enough. There are so many, these foods are more important than our entire tribe.
That Lord must be just trying to make us surrender. Maybe he wants us to build the Dragon’s Nest for him. No, no, maybe, that’s definitely the case!
By following that Lord, we no longer have to starve, and we no longer have to worry about someone coming to destroy our tribe.
“Listen to me, you idiots, there is a powerful Dragon Lord who wants us to help him build a giant.” The Dragon’s Nest and 10,000 bags of food are just the reward from this master. As long as we follow this master, we will no longer have to worry about the hungry newborns.
Those cruel blood elves have also been killed . One of the powerful dragon lords was burned to death. The powerful lizard man just now was just a servant of that dragon lord. Now come out with me and pay homage
that powerful and benevolent dragon lord!” Lin Wan said these words very straightforwardly, coupled with the amount of food that could scare these cave goblins, everything went smoothly, and there was no need to say anything more.
Thousands of cave goblins, whether they were already The old and dying ones, and the small cave goblins less than half a meter tall, are now rushing to the surface with the goblins.
afraid of what? What else are you worried about? Didn’t you see that the leader came back with 10,000 bags of food? If they run away now, these 10,000 bags of food will be theirs. Since the dragon master can reward so much food at will, he must not be trying to kill them or eat them. Besides, I have never heard that giant dragons like to eat them. The goblins
/have these 10,000 bags of food, which is enough to explain the problem. That is 10,000 bags of food. It is also a very large fortune for a dragon clan adult.
A group of timid and cautious cave goblins, faced with such When there is too much food, it goes completely crazy.
On the ground, in the empty small holes, a group of cave goblins rushed out of the small holes like ants rushing out of their nests. After rushing out of the holes, these guys felt the pressure in the air and suddenly Come to think of it, they were going to meet a powerful and terrifying dragon.
Especially after rushing out of the surface, they saw three terrifying beings with