
erence in body structure means that other races can only understand the Neisserian language, but cannot master the Neisserian language.

erence in body structure means that other races can only understand the Neisserian language, but cannot master the Neisserian language.
/Therefore, in the underground world, anyone who can speak Nesser Dragon Language must be a powerful dragon master. The lizard people have also felt the powerful blood suppression. Among the three auras felt on the floating spaceship, one of them is an orc. A dragon, even an orc, has a powerful dragon pressure, and its bloodline is very powerful. The last one can’t feel the breath of the blood at all, but it is the most powerful. Just feeling the breath makes him feel like he has died once.
The lizard man lowered his head. My head was trembling, and my mind was full of regrets. Why fly? Flying so high, I would be lucky enough to encounter three powerful and terrifying beings. If I happen to meet these strong men and are in a bad mood, or simply dislike them, kill them. No one dared to say anything.
The lizard man was frightened, but Lin Yun did not move for a long time.
Hidden in the dark mist, Lin Yun frowned. Originally he just wanted to pretend to be a dragon, so that it would be easier to do things in the underground world, but he didn’t expect that there seemed to be something wrong with the spell structure of Neisseur Dragon Language. When released for the first time, it simulated five colors. The dragon’s vocal structure can only produce a few simple words, and it is impossible to say any complex dialogue.
I studied the spell for a while and wasted more than ten seconds, but it almost scared the trembling lizard man below to death.
Pure-blood dragons are rare in the underground world, and can even be said to be very rare. Most of the dragons that can be seen have impure blood. If you come here after off-duty, you can be classified as a descendant of the mixed-blood dragon clan. But Reina has the pure bloodline of the Frost Dragon, and after the bloodline has been improved, the bloodline level is no worse than that of the five-color dragon.
In one breath, I saw a descendant of a hybrid dragon with strong bloodline, a pure-blood dragon, a being who could speak Nesser dragon language, and a lizardman who was only at level 40 and had not even truly become an extraordinary creature. Being scared to death is enough to be brave.
After waiting for three full minutes, Lin Yun’s awkward words seemed to float from a dark distance again.
“Where are the nearest cave goblin tribe and red-skinned illithid tribe?”
In an instant, the lizard man breathed a sigh of relief.
/The great existence has really favored me. It turns out that I am a descendant of the Black Dragon of Destruction. Fortunately, they are not interested in the lizard people. Otherwise, I would have been eaten by now.
Those damn monsters, the red-skinned illithid, have not been extinct after being devoured for so many years. It is really lucky, but what does this powerful being want to do with the cave goblin? Are you looking for those dirty guys to build a nest?
A series of thoughts quickly flashed th