
mother spoke, Han Xuan said good night in despair and went upstairs. trot.

mother spoke, Han Xuan said good night in despair and went upstairs. trot.
Pooh remembered the honey promised to him and hurriedly chased after him to ask for it
The snow mountain pasture is shrouded in white mist.
Refrigerated trucks transporting milk pass by one after another. The milk powder processing factory has been booming recently because a secret program conducted a milk powder survey some time ago.
I was surprised to find that the average nutritional content of SMR milk powder was 42.5% higher than that of other milks. The expert’s eyes almost popped out in shock and he shouted that this is impossible during the interview!
They are all cows, how come there is such a big gap?
It happened that the news said that Han Qianshan was the old man’s son, and ABC TV station produced a program specifically to investigate the milk powder in Snow Mountain Ranch.
/I originally thought it was artificially added, but when it was sent to the UCLA Bioengineering Laboratory for testing, it was discovered that it was indeed natural milk, and an unknown substance that had never been found before was also found.
After conducting a ten-day study with white mice, it was found that their IQs had significantly improved, and they even knew how to go to the small toilet in the corner of the cage to defecate!
After studying the physiological data of the mice, we found that their cells were abnormally active, and the number of bacterial communities on their bodies was also greatly reduced. The professor said five incredible things in an interview!
Although I don’t know what it is yet, it is undoubtedly a beneficial substance!
The old man declined due to weakened cell activity. After learning the news, he grabbed milk from the baby and drank a cup every morning and evening. After two days, he said he felt better, slept a lot, and seemed to have more energy.
In the past, babies who grew up drinking milk from snow-capped mountains pastures were considered by their parents to be smarter than ordinary children and were sick much less often than average. According to statistics from the TV station, they started talking and walked two and a half months earlier than children of the same age!
Thinking of Han Xuan, a well-known genius, the audience suddenly felt that they understood something. An event to hoard SMR brand milk started with great fanfare two hours after it was broadcast on ABC TV. The scalpers took advantage of the momentum and the price skyrocketed. Turn over and over again!
SOS convenience store, no, the old man officially announced yesterday that in order to distinguish them from 24-hour convenience stores, those large stores have been renamed SOS supermarkets. The price of SMR milk is 49.99 US dollars per can, weighing one kilogram, and the price is crazy among scalpers. Rising to $200!
People who buy there are very sneaky. If you investigate carefully, you will find that most of them are assistants of local rich people who are