
and Taebaek Mountains, which are quite good. How does it feel to be here? You came at the wrong time. It’s too cold in winter. , especially these days.”

and Taebaek Mountains, which are quite good. How does it feel to be here? You came at the wrong time. It’s too cold in winter. , especially these days.”
“I am Li Peiyuan, the director of the program team. Ha Chezai is our screenwriter, and there is also screenwriter Dongxu. This translator Song Hu once studied at Brown University and was your alumnus for a year. Hello.”
Director Li Peiyuan and the others stood with formal postures, like primary school students listening to the class teacher’s instructions. They each said hello with smiles and shook hands with Han Xuan one by one. The translator named Song also told: “You When I first came to Brown to study, I had not left. I once saw you at the school anniversary, and you were riding a bicycle with Principal Gregorian.”
Han Xuan’s memory was amazingly good, and he quickly recalled the scene at that time, but maybe not When he saw the other party, he looked very strange and replied in Korean: “Then I should call you senior brother, hahaha!”
After greeting him politely and reservedly, the director gave Han Xuan the gift he brought, which was an eighteen-year-old gift. The Goryeo plum vase from the 19th century is quite exquisite in appearance.
Li Peiyuan has the highest status among this group of people, and he is responsible for talking to Han Xuan. Regarding the question about the ratings, he subconsciously thinks that he is afraid that he is not famous enough and is not worthy of Han Xuan’s status. South Korea’s traditional concept of superiority and inferiority, such as today’s China is more intense.
So he answered seriously: “Our Running-Man program team has received the full support of SBS TV station. We invited many celebrities to be guests as soon as it was launched. It is currently the highest-rated Sunday variety show in the Republic of Korea! Please rest assured, if you If you have time to participate, we will definitely promote it to the greatest extent. You can arrange the time of participation and the filming projects yourself. Screenwriter He will give the script to Han Xuan, the richest man!” The
/etiquette is beyond words, and most of the time it is with Westerners When dealing with people and talking about things, they are all straightforward, but I feel a little uncomfortable when encountering such a polite scene.
I felt a little embarrassed because the director, who was so much older than me, was talking to me using honorifics and told me: “Just use plain language, you are too reserved.”
Korean is divided into honorifics, plain language and semi-honorific language. Honorific language is the language used to respect the other party. Compared with the person who is older than oneself, leaders with higher positions must use honorific language. In addition, honorific language is also mostly used when meeting people for the first time.
Pingyu is used for people who are of equal status to oneself, or people younger than oneself. Banyu is the vague last sentence, which will appear impolite.
/Liu Jae-seok has never squatted on such a va