
simple. Aren’t you all at level 5? Find someone and pick one of the three of us to challenge! If you win, we will go down the mountain and leave immediately. If you lose, Just stop chattering and take us to the laboratory to get down to business!” Zhang Shengli looked impatient.

simple. Aren’t you all at level 5? Find someone and pick one of the three of us to challenge! If you win, we will go down the mountain and leave immediately. If you lose, Just stop chattering and take us to the laboratory to get down to business!” Zhang Shengli looked impatient.
/In the last duel with Du Sheng, Zhang Shengli actually lost. With the help of Liu Qian, he counterattacked and killed Du Sheng. Since then, whenever Zhang Shengli has free time, he would find someone to challenge him in the prison to compete with each other. Although his level has not improved these days, his actual combat skills have improved a lot. Now he has itchy hands and always wants to find someone to fight, especially if he wants to He wanted to show off in front of Liu Qian, so he refused to miss this opportunity.
“Fuck! Who is this person? So crazy? You really don’t know the heights of heaven and earth! Brother Chao, let me go meet them!” A younger brother next to Wang Chao said unhappily.
“Yeah! Isn’t this tone too crazy? What level are you at? Do you really think you are invincible?” Several other boys around Wang Chao also looked unhappy.
These people are all revered as strong beings in their own camp. When have they ever received such ridicule from others? Isn’t the boss Wang Chao too polite to these three people? Is there any need to be so humble?
“This is originally a matter of cooperation. How bad would it be to start a fight as soon as we meet! It hurts the harmony.” Wang Chao pretended to be friendly.
“I think you don’t dare, right? You’re a bunch of cowards! In that case, stop being so long-winded! Take us to the laboratory quickly!” Zhang Shengli continued to be arrogant. I came out just to fight. I feel really bad if I don’t have such a good opportunity!
“Who are you scolding for being a coward? Take your pick! Who is afraid of whom?” The unhappy boy from before rushed forward and shouted something back to Zhang Shengli.
/This little brother’s surname is Lu, and his name is Lu Fan. He has awakened the power of ‘Crazy War’. During the use of the power, his strength can be increased by about half a level, forming a strong suppression on players of the same level. He has already reached level 6. The younger brother with the strongest one-on-one ability under Wang Chao.
“Then stop talking nonsense! Come on!” Zhang Shengli stretched his muscles and held the fire ax in his hand.
“If you lose, you have to kneel down and apologize to us for what you just said! Then let us check the watches of the three of you.” Lu Fan suggested to Zhang Shengli.
“No problem, but what if you lose?” Zhang Shengli looked at Lu Fan with a smile.
“Hmph! Do I lose? Do you think it’s possible?” Lu Fan looked disdainful.
“You lose, kneel down and apologize to me! Then stop talking nonsense and take us to the laboratory quickly!” Zhang Shengli pointed it out to Lu Fan.
“No problem! But I’m not here to challenge you. Didn’t you say that I should pick one of the three at random? I will challenge her, not you.” Lu Fan pointed at