
idering the protection of the porthole, the things outside could not enter the hull. Once the porthole glass was shot to pieces, wouldn’t it be possible to let the monsters from outside in?

idering the protection of the porthole, the things outside could not enter the hull. Once the porthole glass was shot to pieces, wouldn’t it be possible to let the monsters from outside in?
At this moment, the lights that were originally on in the cabin also made a sizzling sound of electricity, and became brighter and darker. The treadmill quickly escaped from the cabin. As soon as he escaped, the lights that were originally on in the cabin turned on. It went out, and the surrounding area fell into darkness.
There was even no light on both sides of the corridor, as if the entire airship’s lighting was extinguished at this moment.
/In the endless darkness, the treadmill felt like someone was strangling his throat and he couldn’t breathe. He ran forward desperately, trying to reach the end of the corridor and escape to the next floor, even if he stayed with those humanoid monsters. At the same time, I don’t want to stay in this suffocating darkness.
However, it seemed that he could not finish the corridor after running for a long time, which made him feel a little confused. After stopping for a few breaths, the treadmill felt a little soft under my feet, as if I was stepping on something soft. It didn’t look like the normal ground in the airship corridor at all!
The treadmill subconsciously touched the bulkhead beside him, but wherever his hand touched, it was all fleshy and sticky. He didn’t know what kind of mess he touched.
“Help!” The treadmill shouted loudly, feeling extremely panic and despair.
“Are they not awake yet?” Liu Qian walked back to the central hall and asked Yinhe after throwing the body of the last black-spotted zombie out of the open porthole.
The airship was still at the dock at this time, with dozens of chains firmly locking it and not floating into the ocean.
“No.” Yinhe shook her head and looked at the more than ten team members sleeping in sleeping bags on the ground. No matter what method she used, she could not wake them up.
“It’s strange. These black-spotted zombies hiding in the airship should have been killed and thrown into the sea. Why haven’t they woke up yet?” Liu Qian fell into deep thought.
“I suspect that it was not these black-spotted zombies that attacked them, but a more powerful being hiding under the sea. It was at least an advanced sea beast, possibly near the airship. I can feel the presence in the nearby underwater world. “There are many powerful threats hidden there,” Yinghe speculated.
“I think so too. It should be a spiritual advanced sea beast that attacked them. The black-spotted zombies hidden in the airship are just the younger brothers of that advanced sea beast.” Liu Qian nodded.
“What should we do now?” Yinhe asked Liu Gan.
/“The rain outside is much lighter now. I’ll try to get them all to the shore. Try my best to stay away from this airship and away from the attack on the bottom of the sea.” Liu Qian walked over and checked the contents of the sleeping bag again. Every team member.
At this time, the breathing and heartbeat of these