
was troubled, Zhao Song suddenly felt distressed and said softly:

was troubled, Zhao Song suddenly felt distressed and said softly:
/“Those who slander, abuse and spread rumors, my lawyer. The team has taken countermeasures and will definitely take it out on you.”
Bai Li curled her lips and asked, “What did you do?”
“It’s a bit unethical~” Zhao Song shook his head, “I’ll tell you the easiest way. There was a young lawyer in the team who came to a certain online troll’s family for dinner. In front of his daughter, wife, and parents, he took out all the evidence of the troll’s comments on the Internet and showed it to all his family members. What a vicious existence your husband, father, or son is on the Internet!”
Bai Li:
Is this the lightest thing? This simply lacks virtue!
What status will that man have in his family in the future?
Seeing Bai Li’s appearance, Zhao Song smiled and continued:
“In the next few months, my lawyer team’s task is to sue at least 100 Internet marketing companies and send all the responsible persons to the bureau, and let me take the opportunity to Make a small fortune.”
Bai Li struggled: “Do you think this is fishing for law enforcement?”
Zhao Song had a question mark on his face: “What does it have to do with me if he takes a video of me and makes up a copy about me?
” As long as you say hello, all related videos and news will disappear from the Internet.” Bai Li did not send him a message, but said bluntly, “Don’t tell me you can’t do it.”
After a long time, Zhao Song finally calmed down. He shook his head slowly: “You are right, I can do it, but I won’t do it. At least for the next few months, I will need this kind of attention.”
“Using my wife and sister?”
“Whatever you think ,” Zhao Song glanced at Bai Li and said angrily, “Bai Li, you have made progress in the past ten years. Are you starting to play tricks on your husband?”
Bai Li admitted with a smile.
Zhao Song: “Okay, what compensation do you want?”
“Bai family!”
Zhao Song:
Bai Li patiently explained: “The Bai family is ruined, and I don’t want them to make a comeback, but Zhao Song, I should have the power to help them Are you striving for a good life? ”
“You are the chairman of Tesla. If you just miss something, it won’t be enough for them to live on?”
“What do you think?” Bai Li rolled her eyes at Zhao Song, “From being in a high position to being the one who depends on others. , Even though this person is their niece, do you think they can bear it? ”

What are their plans? ”
“Which industry?”
Song swallowed and said with admiration. “Daughter-in-law, sometimes I really admire your family. After finally landing safely for a while, you always return to the road of death and move forward bravely.”
Bai Li quit: “Can you help or not!”
“How can I help ? “Seeing the charming daughter-in-law act coquettishly, Zhao Song said helplessly, ” You have to tell me what they are going to do
, right?” “I agree that it is safe and not illegal to help people clean up bad debts.”

Then what? Can you personally decide on the location of the Fara