
ao Rong?”

ao Rong?”
“I can’t contact her. Her phone is busy 24 hours a day.”
Wen Zhenwen closed her eyes and comforted, “Don’t worry, no one can deify you, Zhao Rong, with all your prodigal investments.” That bitch also understands that she won’t let you die as a hero.”
Wen Zhenwen suddenly lowered her voice and murmured:
“Zhao Song, you are in danger now. , don’t let them make collective objections on the board of directors, it will be a serious blow to your authority.
And Zhao Song, you are still young, slow down…
it’s too
fast . Everyone can’t keep up.”
Why is it so slow?
Zhao Song smiled bitterly and put his coat on the sleeping Wen Zhenwen, then sat back on the office chair and thought deeply.
In 2001, there is no better opportunity than this year.
“how come?”
The integrated circuit industry is in a cold winter, and the country is vigorously developing its economy; the United States has internal and external troubles, the Internet bubble, and the inland countries in the west are mad at each other after the buildings collapse. The stock market is at a low point, the bond market is at a low point, the futures market is at a low point, and external investment is at a low point, and then Enron , Arthur Andersen’s financial fraud, the bankruptcy and reorganization of the largest treasury bond dealer… There was no time for him to care about it, and what Zhao Song asked for did not cross the line. Basically, what SMIC bought was what he bought. I also established a relationship with Xiaobu, who had not yet gained momentum, and balanced the interests of all parties…
There will never be such a good opportunity again. If I don’t take the opportunity to increase my momentum, it will be an unrealistic fantasy. The higher-ups didn’t even consider it!
Amid Aunt Wen’s slight snoring, Zhao Song turned his head to where Wanwan was and asked doubtfully in his heart:
“What are you waiting for? Are you ready to play?”
“Director ”
Wanwan, Hsinchu, a new financial statement was placed in front of Zhang Jianmou.
Looking at the two figures above, he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.
‘This is the company I founded, and this is the result of my 20 years of hard work! ”
Have you all been contacted?”
Asia’s best financial director looked at Zhang Jianmou with reverence and said excitedly:
“Yes, Chairman. From the moment Shenzhou accepted BOE’s notebook business, those foundry companies understood which company The company is trying to get involved in their most important business.”
Zhang Xiaowei couldn’t help but be excited, because the next step will be a price reduction event involving the entire ecosystem of the Wanwan IT industry. Only this person in Wanwan has this kind of scale and courage. can do it.
“Has there been any action on the 14.1 billion we have?”
Zhang Xiaowei shook his head and said, “Except for an unidentified private fund shorting Winbond, the 14.1 billion has been hanging there.”
Zhang Jianmou thought for a moment and chu