
ut reminiscing about the past.

ut reminiscing about the past.
On this day, the official websites of Innovation, HiVi, Shanshi, and Wesonic were updated, all related to Tesla.
February 19th.
The first batch of TPOD2 arrives in the United States.
Zhao Song picked up the phone and asked calmly: “Li Wei, where is my store?”
“It has been handed over to Liu Cong!” Li Wei had the same tone on the phone, as if the two of them were just a simple partnership. , “On Fifth Avenue, 450 square meters, the place is not big, but I have half of the property rights. I will find a way to buy the other half.”
“Got it!” Zhao Song pursed his lips and did not say thank you. This is special Silla deserved it, and it was a full three months late. “Why doesn’t Weiwei Group develop the Nordic market?”
“Tesla can take over if we don’t have enough manpower.” On the phone, Li Wei remained calm.
“Thank you.”
February 21st.
In the morning, Shenzhou Technology announced that it would resume trading four days later, on February 25.
At the same time, Factory Building 4 of Tesla Industrial Park.
The supervisor found Xiaojie angrily.
“Ka~” is still a hammer.
“For the last time, we will suffer half the loss this time! Xiaojie, there is no chance again!”
“Yes, supervisor!” Xiaojie bit her lip tightly, holding back tears.
The quality control of TPOD shulle 2 has reached a stringent level.
February 22nd.
The director of Mitsubishi Display’s business department came to the capital. Zhao Rong led Jiaming Trading and Duan Yuming’s BOE team to receive him throughout the process. LCD monitors were encroaching on the market, and a negotiation on the transfer of Mitsubishi CRT diamond display technology officially began.
In the afternoon, the seventh Tesla supplier factory in Pingchang Industrial Park broke ground. In the next three months, this number will expand to 17, including Wuming Chassis Factory, Wesonic Branch Factory, Shanshi Technology, And overclocking three!
Tesla’s supply chain integration is beginning to get on track.
February 23rd.
In the early morning, the first batch of Tesla-branded PCs officially passed the 48-hour copy test and passed all tests.
After Zhao Song put on the last seal, ten large trucks roared towards the Capital International Airport, where two Boeing 747 cargo planes were ready for departure.
Ten hours later, in the island country of Ginza, the Tesla flagship store passed the environmental test and the display racks and various equipment that had been waiting for a long time entered the store.
Outside the fence, there were signs of crowds gathering. Many young island men were looking intently at the twelve pairs of long-legged posters on the fence, as well as the hazy TPOD shulle 2.
February 24, 2001, the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, the year of Xinsi, the month of Gengyin, the day of Wuwu, the dragon raised its head.
/7 o’clock in the morning. Xiagou Village.
“Beep, beep, beep, beep~~ Central People’s Broadcasting Station”
A new day begins wi