
loth in the woods floated forward a few meters, leading me into the depths of the woods.

loth in the woods floated forward a few meters, leading me into the depths of the woods.
It was so dark in the lightless forest that I couldn’t see my fingers. I looked back and unknowingly walked dozens of meters out of the village. There was a strange bird call coming from the depths of the forest, and the eerie cold wind blew by my ears. I saw the red cloth floating in front of me in the cold wind. I bent down and picked it up to look at the material of the cloth. It is similar to silk, and it has a faint aroma when you smell it. It should be used by women.
A stream of white smoke rolled up from the darkness, drifted gently past my feet, and clashed with the energy in my body. I raised my head, looked around, and shouted, “Who?”
“嘤嘤” strangely like a woman Laughter came, intermittently, floating in the forest.
“Pretend to be a ghost! Come out!” I stamped my feet fiercely, and my energy spread in the forest, startling the birds perched on the trees, and a black-red light lit up behind me as I screamed strangely.
He turned around suddenly, but was shocked by the scene in front of him! A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl stood in front of me, wearing a red bridal gown with gold thread, and a delicate appearance with long hair shawl. However, her face was pale and her eyes were filled with evil spirits. In addition, standing against the black and red light, her whole body looked… She doesn’t look like a normal girl.
“Female ghost?” I said, holding up the red cloth and asking, “You led me here, right? What’s your intention? If you want to suck my yang energy and harm my life, you better save it. I’m not a good person.” “Hey.”
She floated up gently, her purple lips slightly opened in the cold wind, and whispered: “Uncle Xiaoshan, don’t you recognize me? I am Yaya, I have grown up.” At
this moment, I My eyes suddenly opened wide, and I felt my heart beat a beat slower in an instant. The dark wind kept blowing by my ears, but I was so surprised that I couldn’t speak.
After a long time, I finally said: “You, are you Yaya? You are already dead, how could you grow up? How could it be possible?”
“YaYa” smiled and flew to me from the air, a strange fragrance hit her face. Come.
After death, growth stops. Even if it takes a thousand years or ten thousand years to become a ghost, you will not grow up or grow old. After a child dies, he becomes a ghost like a child, and after an adult dies, he becomes a ghost like an adult. This is an eternal law. It is like an iron law that people cannot be resurrected after death. It has never been broken and no one can break it. .
The Yaya I saw more than ten years ago was a little girl. Because she died when she was very young, unless she was reincarnated, she would always look like a child, even if tens of thousands of years passed. She’s still a little girl, too.
/But the female ghost in front of me has long hair and a voluptuous figure. She looks like a voluptuous sixteen-year-old girl, so how can she be Yaya? But as soon as she spoke. But I immediately knew her