
up for torture and interrogation. Their faces were covered with dense whorls, but they were transformed into human forms by the essence of conch cultivation.

up for torture and interrogation. Their faces were covered with dense whorls, but they were transformed into human forms by the essence of conch cultivation.
I thought I would spend my life in the prison of this underwater city, until one day, my cellmate showed up.
He was respectfully invited to the prison by the two cancer warriors, as if he were a guest, with a calm and calm expression on his face.
In the first month, we were busy with our own affairs, without any conversation or even eye contact. During the days I was imprisoned in Haidu Prison, I gradually learned how to pass the time. During the day, I liked to use the light to write wine recipes on the ground with bricks, and then put these wine recipes together to try to create new brewing methods. . At night, I would take out the seabed grains that I had secretly withheld from food during the day, take out the fine wine-making tools I had always brought with me, and start making wine. Although there is almost no light in the dark undersea prison, over the years, brewing has become as familiar as breathing.
Just one month after his arrival, the grains that had been accumulated for an unknown number of days were finally fermented. In the middle of the night, bursts of the most original and mellow alcohol smell rippled along with the water, waking him up. I still clearly remember the surprise on his face after he got up, and the surprise that burst out of him a moment later.
Do you have wine? He came to me and asked impatiently.
No, I said, but I’m making wine.
He stopped talking and stood very quietly behind me, watching me brew the wine carefully, seemingly even more engrossed than I was. He stood like this all night.
/The next day, we finally spoke.
He asked me what my name was, and I said Guajiao. He was stunned for a moment, then showed a stiff smile, “My name is Black Corner.”
In this way, we chatted during the day, and at night I brewed wine while he watched behind me. I gradually came to know that he was originally a five-clawed black dragon, born in the West Sea, and was made the general of a small town on the border of the country by the Dragon King of the West Sea. Although his status and strength are much higher than Kua Jiao, the two of them have one thing in common, and that is good wine.
One day, foreign enemies invaded. He had drunk too much the night before. He was still drunk when the enemy invaded the city the next day. The enemy marched straight into the invasion border, which shocked the whole country. The Lord took the opportunity to shirk all responsibility on him. The Dragon King of the West Sea was furious and ordered his people to peel off the human bones that he had spent thousands of years refining and expelled him from the West Sea territory. Without human bones, and leaving the country and sea where the sea people can survive in human form, he can only restore the true form of the black dragon from thousands of years ago, and swim alone in the sea of ????canglan. But his drunken temperament still hasn’t calmed