
ick, knocked on the door gently and said, “I’m here to visit you. Please open the door.” This

ick, knocked on the door gently and said, “I’m here to visit you. Please open the door.” This
was the first time I saw someone who was clearly here to fight but But such a civilized person! It feels like coming to a party.
Suddenly, dense black insects crawled out of the cracks in the cement wall. The number of these bugs was astonishing, and soon they covered the entire wall. The friction and collision between their carapaces made a vibrating sound. Those tentacles and the low cries of the bugs are eerie.
“Old sir, I have to say that I regret it. You should have stayed next to the car.”
/I said with a wry smile.
Mr. Xu smiled. The short staff tapped the ground lightly, and then drew a circle around us. However, the insects that surrounded us seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall and could not enter. They were piled up on the periphery of the wall, squeezing desperately, trying to rush in, but the invisible obstacles could not be broken through.
Mr. Xu knocked on the door again, but there was still no response. I stood behind and said, “It seems they don’t want to meet you obediently.”
As he spoke, Mr. Xu put his hand on the wooden door, and pressed it lightly with his palm. I actually saw red lines emerging from the center of the entire wooden door, spreading to the surroundings like a spider web. These lines were bright red, as if soaked in blood.
“This is an ancient witchcraft of the Miao people. It uses the blood of the recently deceased as a material to draw spells on wooden doors or walls. These spells carry the resentment of the dead and are very vicious spells. Ordinary people will be affected by it if they encounter it. Resentment attacks, but”
he turned around to explain to me. As if he didn’t take the red door seriously at all, he pushed forward with his palm again. The wooden door immediately cracked, and cracks began to appear from the center. Then Mr. Xu took a step forward, and the wooden door made a “bang” sound. Sound. The entire wooden door was immediately shattered.
A cloud of dust floated up after the wooden door fell. I looked at the insects crawling behind me and then raised my head to look at Mr. Xu. He walked in with his short staff, and the house was dark. There was no light, and there was a strange and gloomy wind blowing in our face, whistling through us.
/“You’ve gone too far.”
I saw a strange green flame lighting up in the darkness, very suddenly, floating unsteadily from a short distance away. The insects behind him surged up one after another, blocking the way out.
The strange green flame was like a will-o’-the-wisp, but when I got closer, I saw clearly that it was a strange white candle. There was a pair of rough and withered hands holding the candle, and the owner of these hands was wearing black rags. Gray hair like withered grass floated in front of his eyes.
“The old woman among the three ghosts of the Ling family!”
I said in surprise, finally seeing her true face in Lushan.
“Haha, you originally had a few more days to live, but afte