
sion, and the fifth prince was seen half-body demonized. He actually blocked the heavy blows of the six princes with his own strength, and then used the demonic energy to fight back the demonic energy while roaring. , the six princes turned into semi-demon almost at the same time, directly absorbing the terrifying demonic energy of the fifth prince. This time, it only took two or three moves to completely clear the woods where they were standing! The power of destruction is much stronger than a bomb.

sion, and the fifth prince was seen half-body demonized. He actually blocked the heavy blows of the six princes with his own strength, and then used the demonic energy to fight back the demonic energy while roaring. , the six princes turned into semi-demon almost at the same time, directly absorbing the terrifying demonic energy of the fifth prince. This time, it only took two or three moves to completely clear the woods where they were standing! The power of destruction is much stronger than a bomb.
Each of the seven princes present has a Taoist ability that surpasses that of the Earth Immortal. Of course, the fifth prince is the strongest, but the other six are not weak. Inheriting the bloodline of Thunder Fire Qilin, these six great demons are definitely strong men who can suppress one party. After Mensu and I joined forces, I thought I had the power to protect myself in this demon mountain, but now it seems that the demon clan is far stronger than I imagined.
They are not prey, but real predators!
“Fifth Brother, do you really want to fight us? This battle may bring the entire Demonic Mountain overthrow!” One of the princes who was hit by the fifth prince shouted loudly.
/“Stop talking nonsense and defeat me if you can. So what if I destroy this demon mountain? I want to become the Demon Emperor and rebuild a new Star-Moon Demon Palace in this world! So what if I don’t have the ‘Heaven Crown’ , I am also the strongest in the world!” The fifth prince is ambitious and has long wanted to dominate the world. Only then can we cooperate with Longhu Mountain. Mutual benefit, Longhushan helped it form an army of monsters, and he helped Longhushan complete the experiment.
“Do you want to violate the ancestral precepts of the demon clan?” a prince asked.
“It’s ridiculous! What ancestral teachings? What rules from the older generation? The strong ones should be in power in the demon clan. I am the strongest among the demon clan now. I should be the demon emperor. If anyone disobeys, I will beat him or kill him!” The fifth prince punched hard, and the demonic energy directly broke a row of trees. The other princes were not to be outdone. Then a violent attack was launched, the terrifying attack crashed down like a devastation, and the powerful energy released swept across the four directions. It’s only half-demon, but the attacks it launches are already outrageously powerful! I hid behind a big tree stump. He couldn’t help but worry about the unconscious Nagisa Yu. These seven monsters are fighting, what if Nagisa is affected? Looking back, Nagisa’s location was quite close to the center of the battle. It was fine for the time being, but that didn’t mean that nothing would happen in the future. No matter what, I have to find a way to rescue Nagisa. But taking the lead now is not a wise move. I have to wait for the opportunity.
/The seven princes are getting stronger and stronger. In the state of being half-demon, it is obvious that the strength of the fifth prince is far better than the other six princes, but the