
work. People’s memory affects intelligence. If their memory is greatly erased and Modifications will affect the normal working of their brains, and they may even turn them into idiots. This is how several researchers in our institute have turned from high-IQ people into low-energy people. I don’t want anything to happen to the children who are working for me. If you do some marginal work and don’t have deep exposure to research, your memories will be relatively small when you finish it, and it will have less impact on your brain.” Yue Cheng said this from anyone. Everyone would feel like he was bragging, but when it came out of Tao Yiyan’s mouth, he felt it was so true.

work. People’s memory affects intelligence. If their memory is greatly erased and Modifications will affect the normal working of their brains, and they may even turn them into idiots. This is how several researchers in our institute have turned from high-IQ people into low-energy people. I don’t want anything to happen to the children who are working for me. If you do some marginal work and don’t have deep exposure to research, your memories will be relatively small when you finish it, and it will have less impact on your brain.” Yue Cheng said this from anyone. Everyone would feel like he was bragging, but when it came out of Tao Yiyan’s mouth, he felt it was so true.
The man sitting in front of him is improving an ancient evil holy object with his own efforts. He is obviously just an ordinary person, but he is a genius. You can’t even look at him with the eyes of the world. At this moment, the word that emerged in Yue Cheng’s mind to describe the person in front of him turned out to be “scientist”. Yes, in the eyes of Yue Cheng and most people who came into contact with and knew Old Man Tao, this old man was a veritable scientist!
“That means that the improvements haven’t been completed yet, and the evil Rakshasa’s physical body can’t be used yet?” Yue Cheng asked.
“No, it’s ready for use. The initial improvement is to change the characteristics of the Evil Rakshasa’s physical body and enhance its power. I adjusted and improved the formation inside the Evil Rakshasa’s body to form a perfect formation circuit. The stability of the body’s release of evil energy has been increased by nearly 30%, the coverage of evil energy has been expanded by 20%, and its overall power has been increased by nearly 20%. Of course, this is only the current transformation. If I am given more time, it can be completed. On the day of improvement, I can turn this once evil holy object into the embodiment of light and justice.”
/Yue Cheng finally understood why Sha Lao’s men had changed one after another over the years. Aides came and went, but the name Tao Yiyan always remained in the most secret and critical position of Institute 507, because his talents were so terrifying.
“You want to improve the evil sacred objects into the righteous magic weapons? How is this possible?” Yue Cheng asked in surprise.
“Haha, there is no distinction between good and evil magic weapons. It’s about the people who use them. The magic used by the evil way is called evil magic, but the magic used by the right way is not. From the magic weapon spells, we can also see the influence of this era and this world. Rules. It’s useless for me to say more. I’ve already told you that the evil body is not in the warehouse, but in our research institute, so you have permission to enter. You don’t have enough authority to store the Evil Rakshasa body, but you can use Zhong Ba’s authority to enter. I can tell you the password to unlock and activate the Evil Rakshasa body. You must also fulfill your promise to me.”
“Deputy Director, we must not let Ba Xiao