
tely light. Zhuzi said that there are no connecting points between the four demon mountains. Generally, small demons who want to travel to the opposite demon mountain must ride on flying demon beasts, except for big demons. He also said that not all the four monster mountains have people from Longhu Mountain. The current research base of Longhu Mountain is only established on the first monster mountain, which is ours.

tely light. Zhuzi said that there are no connecting points between the four demon mountains. Generally, small demons who want to travel to the opposite demon mountain must ride on flying demon beasts, except for big demons. He also said that not all the four monster mountains have people from Longhu Mountain. The current research base of Longhu Mountain is only established on the first monster mountain, which is ours.
“Do you know where the most powerful demon here is?” I knew that Zhong Bianba’s goal was the fifth prince, so I asked.
“The most powerful big monster? I can’t be sure. Although I am familiar with the surrounding terrain after escaping, I still can’t figure out which big monster is the most powerful. If I have to say, I saw it when I was still in the base. Guo Tianyazi discussed things with a very arrogant big demon. It can be seen that Tianyazi respects this big demon and is even a little humble. I think that big demon may be what you are looking for.” Tianyazi’s cultivation and strength are not as good. Eight years old. When Zhong Baba was eighteen years old, he defeated the cave master of one of the nine caves in Longhu Mountain. Tian Ya Zi is at most as powerful as Zhong Ba when he was eighteen years old, and is far less powerful than an Earth Immortal. Therefore,he must be very polite when meeting a great demon like the Fifth Prince who is more powerful than Zhong Baibian, so Zhuzi’s words are worthy of belief and investigation.
“Do you know where that big demon is?” I asked.
“They big monsters don’t live near the base. Have you seen that top of the mountain?” He pointed at the top of the monster mountain and said, “I know that the person in charge of them lives on the top of the mountain. Maybe the person you are looking for also lives on the top of the mountain.” We went to the top of the mountain.”
/“It’s easy if we know the direction. Let’s go to the top of the mountain,” said Riyuro with a smile, but when he saw that the beads didn’t move and I didn’t move, he asked strangely, “What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to start right away?”
“If you want to get to the top of the mountain, you have to go through the entire base of Longhu Mountain, unless you can climb up from the cliff behind the top of the mountain, but that is almost impossible. Even if you are skilled Climbing skills. But the top of the mountain is full of monsters, and you will be attacked immediately if you appear in their sight. It is not feasible to climb from the cliff, but it is even more impossible if we want to cross the base. The entire base is tightly guarded. I was able to escape because I was not wanted by Longhu Mountain, and I could only enter and exit in the name of disposing of corpses. Now I will be attacked immediately when I go back. They will be discovered and surrounded.”
“What should we do?” Qian Liyulang scratched his head, his face full of confusion.
After hearing this, I thought for a while and said: “Our goal is not to find the big demon, as long as we can block Maeburo. So we still have the old t