
wn and eliminate this kid and that scoundrel with the help of the underworld. But, I have my reasons! “

wn and eliminate this kid and that scoundrel with the help of the underworld. But, I have my reasons! ”
It wanted to explain, but Judge Ji did not give it this chance. The judge’s pen moved upward, and the dark wind in the air gathered into terrifying energy that instantly penetrated the roof and fell on Mo Yang.
“Stop sophistry, I don’t want to hear it anymore. Today, in the name of the judge, I will deprive you of your identity as a ghost!”
But Mo Yang slowly bent down in this terrifying wind, and the ghost crosses on his body flew away on their own. He stood up and was about to fly towards Judge Ji when he was caught by Mo Yang without thinking.
“It’s not that simple if you want to destroy me!”
Mo Yang roared, and he actually raised the ghost fork and pointed it straight into the sky, splitting the terrifying wind in half!
“I’ve been riding a horse for you all these years, working as an ox and a horse, and most of your achievements are due to me! There are only four judges in the entire underworld, why can’t there be a fifth one? I have expressed my wishes many times, but you These high-minded guys are ignoring you! Since I can’t rely on you, I can only rely on myself, and I want to climb higher!”
/It shouted hysterically.
The underworld is far more cruel than the underworld, because the intrigues in the underworld last only a few decades, while the battles in the underworld may last for hundreds or even thousands of years. In the underworld, you are a poor boy born in a village, but you can still dream of taking off in a big city one day. But in the underworld, everyone’s fate is doomed from the beginning.
If you should be a lonely soul, you will always be a lonely soul. If you should be a wild ghost, you will always be a lonely soul.
I looked at Mo Yang struggling in the dark wind, and suddenly felt sympathy for him for no reason, but he just wanted to climb higher in such a difficult environment.
“I don’t want to fall down in this place.”
Under the strong pressure of the cold wind, Mo Yang was at the end of his rope, but he was still holding on, raising his hand and grabbing the void. The old ghost who had been hiding next to him since the beginning was sucked in front of him by the strange power released by Mo Yang.
“Sir, what are you doing?”
The old ghost was so frightened that he couldn’t speak fluently.
“I’ve treated you well over the years, you have to sacrifice for me.”
As he spoke, he put the old ghost on his head. The evil wind was thus blocked, but obviously the old ghost with little morals could not hold on for long. The evil wind soon began to tear apart the old ghost’s body like a terrifying drill.
As soon as Mo Yang finished speaking, the old ghost’s soul began to burn with crazy green will-o’-the-wisps. The flames grew stronger and stronger, and finally the green will-o’-the-wisp exploded, a terrifying sound came, and half the house exploded. Dust, debris, and dirt were flying everywhere!
/I waved my hand, coughed a few times and looked up. Half of the house had b