
ill guard the land for the time being.

ill guard the land for the time being.
Zhang Jian is also mobilizing the power of the Earth Emperor to assist Lianshan Daojun to smooth the earth’s spiritual veins as much as possible.
Zhang Jian sent some Taixu spiritual bodies into the earth. While repairing the earth, he also stationed some of the earth’s spiritual orifices and earth ancestral veins that had lost the presence of immortal gods.
But without the main body to take action, the speed of repairing the earth has slowed down a lot.
But this is much better than not fixing it at all and just sitting there waiting to die.
After Ji Cheng was plundered, tyrannical demon kings from outside the world appeared on the earth, and the chance of being hostile to the Taoist Lords became even greater. Those tyrannical Taoist Lords also knew that the Donghua Realm was about to become a success, so they changed their attitude and tried to gain from the Donghua Realm. After a stroke, you can leave again.
Even if Donghua Realm can succeed in upgrading its dimension in the future, they will do their best to reduce the growth potential of Donghua Realm.
And this scene was naturally seen by all the Taoist Lords of Taiqing Heaven in the depths of the void.
One of them, Daojun, who was wearing Taixu Immortal Clothes and had a unique and outstanding temperament, glanced downwards and said calmly.
“Chunyang, you continue to preside over the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. I will target one of them and help you kill one person first to scare the monkeys!”
Chunyang Daojun raised his sword after hearing this.
“Okay, Senior Brother Nanhua, I’m here to show you the way!”
He moved the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation with his long sword, and the huge formations shifted, and the immeasurable universe was reversed. Nanhua Immortal’s figure was wrapped by the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and his figure appeared instantly On the earth.
On the ground here, a Taoist wearing a strange Taoist robe and a sacred banner in his hand is waving the sacred banner in his hand to release countless strange insects, which are frantically devouring a fairy city in front of him.
This fairy city is full of spiritual light and is majestic and vast. It is obviously a well-known large fairy city in the Donghua world.
/Otherwise, it would not be enough to block the ocean-like sea of ??insects.
That was a Dao Lord, Wan Gu Dao Lord, who was a Dao Lord under the command of Panwang Patriarch of the side sect.
It grazes the sea of ??insects, and these insects can actually form into formations, and can also turn into unique eternal immortal magic, which is extremely terrifying.
Everywhere he passed was white ground.
“Wan Gu, your energy is up!”
At this time, a cold voice came from deep in the void.
The face of Wan Gu Taoist Lord who was attacking Furong Immortal City suddenly changed dramatically, and a strong chill grew in his heart.
Deep in the palm of his hand, the Panwang Divine Flag was waved immediately, as if a magnificent and immortal force cut thr